Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hippocratic or Hypocritic Oath

Yesterday at the hospital I saw God at work.

Doctors take the Hippocratic oath when they receive their degrees (at least they used to). It says something to the effect that they treat people and do so to save life and not to take life. I believe it also may say something about treating people with respect.

Yesterday at the hospital, I talked with a doctor with much compassion and, it seemed to me, faith. He, probably one of the many BMW's and other big cars I saw in the physician's lot at the hospital, was treating a person who is the working poor, and has struggled to get along all of life. And yet, as he talked about the situation, he did so with respect and compassion. Though the medical condition is grave, he said that his goal was to make the person comfortable, and he worked hard to help them have medications that they could afford to help them in these days. I respect that.

I realized also that many of us are privileged people--having lives that are made better by educational opportunities, money that pays for things (much of which we don't even need), and other benefits. While others are abused all of life, struggle just to eat and take care of themselves and their families, and often are abused by the system that discriminates against them. So it is nice to find a privileged person who respects human life and human beings enough to be a servant of the poor and oppressed. One who treats everyone, regardless of whether they can pay or not, with equal care and concern.

He also said, despite the situation being very serious, that miracles do happen. Probably a belief or at least open to the possibility that there is a God who at times, changes the circumstances.

James said to treat everyone with respect and love (James 2), and I saw that today. And I also believe that I saw a reverence for God or at least a belief that sometimes things are out of the experts hands, and there must be someOne who can do miracles, even today.

I guess now, as I see the BMW's in the parking lot and driving by, I will have more respect that some have taken the Hippocratic oath and not the Hypocritic oath. Maybe more believers should do that.

Everyone is worthy of respect and honor, whether they have had the privileges of life or been deprived. They too are loved by God and often love Him more and better than those of us who have been privileged in this life.

So are you Hippocratic or hypocritic?

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