Monday, January 20, 2014


From Genesis, one learns that God was the Creator of Adam and Eve, and from them, we all came.  So God is the Creator of us all.  In Galatians 3:28 it says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus"  (NIV)

From these I see:
     1. Everyone is created by God.

     2. God makes no distinctions between people on earth, as to His love and wanting a relationship     with them.

From this I say, as creations of God and recreated in the image of God through Christ, believers are to not be prejudiced.

Last night, the eve of Martin Luther King's birthday, my wife and I viewed the movie, "The Help."  It is a story of a sad time in the history of the U.S.--a time of prejudice because of the color of a person's skin.  And a young lady, raised by a maid, wanted to tell the story of "the help"--the ladies who were maids, raising their children, cooking their meals, cleaning their houses, and in some cases with little respect or compassion.  And out of fear of reprisal by losing their jobs or even beating, the  ladies were at first unwilling to tell their stories of mistreatment and prejudice.  But as time went on, they felt the story had to be told.  I would suggest that if you have not seen it, you check it out and view it.  It is sad; it is funny; it is touching.

Near the end of the movie, one especially touching and reflecting line, to a lady who was involved in doing missions through her church, and because of her meanness and prejudice towards the maids, was this.  The maid said, "You are a godless woman."  It seemed to provide a time of pain and yet thought for the woman toward whom it was directed.

As I reflected, I realized that when I am prejudiced, I am a "godless man."  Christians are to take on the character of God and Christ.  Regardless of what the prejudice is about, and the mistreatment of others because of it, it is wrong according to the Creator and the One who loves everyone.

In 1 John, I read that he who loves is becoming like God.  And I read that the one who loves God is to love his fellow humans also.  And John says, "If you do not love others, you do not know God nor love God."  (1 John 4)  Hence--godless.

So today, I have to reflect who I am prejudiced toward.  Who do I mistreat?  And I remember, that is godless--denying my relationship with God through Christ.

With the help of the Holy Spirit (some of us are even prejudiced toward Him), I want to do better in reflecting Christ to others, not only in attitudes but also in deeds as well.  What about you?

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