Monday, February 18, 2013


Last week, I preached about “Around What Does Your Life Revolve?”  Today, we find a focus for life that the Apostle Paul says is appropriate and the best.  Colossians 2:6-10 

The members of the Colossian church were confronted by a heresy in their midst.  There was a danger of leaving the true faith and going after much lesser things.  So what does Paul say to them? 

As you received Christ, continue to live in Him—How had they received Him into their lives?  By faith—by giving up other things of lesser value and committing to follow Him. 

There are times when we need to keep doing what we were doing—not to seek after other things—not to go after new experiences, new thoughts, newness for the sake of newness. 

There are times when we do need to change and seek other things.  There’s an old saying, “If you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results.”  If we are doing things that are not successful, we have to make decisions about whether something different would be better—if the results we are getting are not achieving their purposes.  But there are some basics to stick with—and that is what Paul talks about here—sticking with Jesus. 

Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught—Here is a growth picture from agriculture. 

A good base is extra important!  For a tree, that is its root system—for a building that is its foundation.  A good foundation is crucial. 

Jesus is that good foundation, Paul says—that essential base for living a life for God. 

But some who have a good foundation—a good beginning—then give it up for lesser things.  Why?  Because they do not feed the good habit—because they do not continue to build upon the foundation with good building materials. 

So we need to be strengthened—build up those spiritual muscles—grow as a Christian. 

You began with Jesus by faith; now grow in faith to continue in faith.  Christian life is a process—there is a beginning, but no end til death—we always should be growing, changing, becoming more like Jesus. 

That is why Christians are told to read the Bible, to pray, to share their faith with others, to spend time with other growing believers, to involve themselves in missions—those are things that help keep us growing and becoming. 

If you aren’t growing, changing, becoming then you are tempted to fail as a follower of Jesus Christ—you aren’t learning who your Model—your goal is—and what He expects you to be and do. 

But life happens-we get busy with living life, earning a living, raising a family and doing numerous things.  And without some food coming through our spiritual roots—adding building materials to our Christian life—we are tempted to lose our way and leave what is best for only the good or for the evil. 

Read, pray, fellowship with real believers, share faith with others, involved yourself in ministry and missions to others—and that will help to nourish you and challenge you and make you strong when the temptations come. 

Overflowing with thankfulness—Godly people should be thankful people—thankful most of all to God for all He supplies, both materially and spiritually.  In chapter 1, the Colossian church was reminded of where they were before knowing Christ—and how Christ was revealed to them—so they might accept Him for themselves.  From left out to being part of the promise of God—from being sinful hopeless people to being those full of hope and peace.  Notice what you have but didn’t have before Christ. 

Thankful people also recognize where it all came from—from God—He is the giver of all that is good.  To be thankful, you need to realize it all comes from a loving, caring God. 

But not only are we thankful to God—we are also thankful to others in our lives who are part of our growth, our change, our building on the foundation—those who help us do life better—those who help us live with faith so we become overcomers.  So we are thankful toward people as well as God. 

Being thankful helps you grow and build on the right foundation. 

Don’t seek things which are just human things—seek God.  You can’t grow spiritually just from human ways of thinking or doing. 

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form—Jesus is God in human flesh—He is God walking and talking and modeling for you how to live life. 

John 14:9  Jesus said, “When you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”  He is what God is—He has what God has. 

So why would one leave the fullness of God for much lesser things—especially things that are just human, earthly things?  But they were tempted to—and so are we. 

Build on the right foundation—that is Jesus, God in flesh.  Don’t get lax in constant building—in spiritual growth.  Read the Word, pray, spend time with quality believers.  Let them help you grow—but you do the same for them—help them grow. 

Be thankful to God and other people.  “Overflow” with thankfulness! 

That’s a prescription for a strong faith—a prescription for a successful Christian life. 

What do you need to be and do as a result of this Scripture?

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