Monday, February 11, 2013


Paul had never been to the church in Colossae.  Someone else started the church.  But through the church planter there, Paul hears of things the church may be dealing with.  So as a leader of Gentile churches, he writes them a letter addressing these situations. 

Colossians 1:15-20. 

Some think these verses may have been an early Christian hymn about Jesus.  What did Paul say about Jesus: 

  1. image of the invisible God—Jesus made God visible to people—John 14:9, “When you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.”
  2. firstborn over all creation—in time before all creation was
  3. By him all things were created—Jesus is co-Creator with God the Father
  4. Things were created FOR him—all was created to give Jesus glory and honor—to fulfill His purposes
  5. In him all things hold together—He sustains everything—He causes unity and cooperation
  6. Head of the body, the church—Any genuine Christian church is His church—and He is its leader
  7. Beginning and firstborn from the dead—Jesus resurrected some in the Bible (Lazarus) and He was the first, in His own power, to resurrect, and then to bring others (including us) to resurrect from the dead.
  8. In everything to have the supremacy—He is over all things—people, places, purposes—first place always
  9. He has all the fullness of God—He is not limited as God is not limited—all the power that God has, Jesus also has
  10. Through his death on the cross, Jesus is reconciler for people to God 

Do you get the impression that Paul feels Jesus is important—in fact, supreme over everyone and everything? 

Paul says, “There is none like Jesus”—He is that important.  Doing only things that God can do—given power that only God has—granting forgiveness, creating, sustaining the world, and when you see Jesus, you have seen what God is like. 

The Colossians were tested and tempted—tempted to leave their faith for teachings, philosophies and other things that were much, much less than Jesus. 

And we are too—and just like them we give in so easily to others that are so much less important than God! 

Around what does your life revolve? 

MasterLife—Avery Willis—discipleship process—1980’s. 

Illustration—the Disciples’ Cross—circle with lines going upward, downward and to each side—making a cross. 

The circle was to represent one’s life.  Question—“What is at the center of your life?” 

Teaching—“If it is filled with anything else besides Jesus, your priorities are wrong—not biblical—off track.” 

Life for the believer must revolve around Jesus.  Would you say your life does that? 

Let’s be honest: 

  1. For some of us, life revolves around family instead of Jesus—family drives our decisions—Jesus does not.
  2. For some, life revolves around me and my comfort and my satisfaction—not what God wants of me—especially if it costs me something—monetarily, timewise, or relationally.
  3. For some, life revolves around job or vocation
  4. For some, life revolves around church—not Jesus, but church—what is best for the church—separated from the Lord of the church.
  5. For some, life revolves around things I own or things I want to earn 

If life revolves around our time, then maybe we can squeeze in time in our busy life for Jesus—maybe there is time for church or 5 minutes a day for a devotional reading.  But there is not time to spend time really getting to know Jesus and letting Him rule over all other decisions. 

What life revolves around is the center of life for us—the force that changes our life. 

But what if life for you and me REALLY revolved around Jesus? 

  1. There would be a pull within us—a pull toward God—to know Him, love Him, make time for Jesus and His Word
  2. There would be an outward pull as well—a pull to love others—believers and unbelievers, to serve others, to minister to people and care for their needs—to give, not just take.

Love God—love others as yourself. 

In truth for us—life really doesn’t revolve around Jesus, does it?  He is not supreme—He is not the center of life—He is not the purpose for which we live—is He? 

What does your life REALLY revolve around—what is the center pull of your life? 

As you answer that question, is there Someone else around which life revolves?  Paul would say, “Jesus!” 

Turn from Jesus, you turn to lesser things—and as the Colossians, you threaten to lose your way in this life. 

Where are you centered?  And what do you need to do to change that orientation of your life?

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