Monday, September 17, 2012


He’s here—He’s always around.  Do you feel Him?  Do you realize—always here?  When I’m scared—when I’m discouraged—when I’m happy and excited—He’s here! 

Isaiah 6 

Isaiah’s commission—his call to serve.  How did it begin? 

1)      A need—king had died—what would happen now—uncertainty—worry—maybe hope.

a.      A vision—say it with me, “I saw the Lord”—(repeat)—seated on a throne, high and exalted”

b.      Feel the excitement—the awe—the fear?

c.      Who is this?  God!

d.      What kind of God is He?  Message of the angels—

                                                               i.      Holy—all holy—completely holy.

                                                             ii.      Sovereign—over all the earth—ruler over everyone and everything

e.      In His presence, the temple shakes—smoke fills up the room—His presence is so fearful—awe inspiring—so real.

f.        Do you feel it?  Do you feel what Isaiah felt and experienced? 

2)      When a holy God meets with you, what do you feel?

a.      Awe—overcome with amazement

b.      Fear—God is totally holy—I am not—Woe is me!

c.      Why would the King, the Lord Almighty appear to me?  To kill me?  To scare me?  I am not worthy to be here!

d.      The angel/seraph comes.  I’m not worthy—I am unclean—Angel comes to cleanse me of sin and guilt.

e.      What feeling then occurs—when sin is forgiven—when guilt is gone?

                                                               i.      Relief

                                                             ii.      Thankfulness

                                                            iii.      Cleanness

                                                           iv.      Awe—that God would be able to do this—what I could never do for myself

                                                             v.      How grateful are YOU for God forgiving you—cleansing you? 

3)      A voice is heard (v. 8)

a.      Whom shall I send?  Who will go for us?

b.      A mission—a purpose—God always has a purpose—to redeem rather than punish.  What just happened to Isaiah?  God redeemed—did not punish for His sinfulness—God’s intention.

c.      God chooses to involve people in His plan/purpose.

d.      For US—God in His entirety—Trinity—Father, Son and HS.

e.      To involve puny humans in the plan of God—whoa!  Amazing. 

4)      Who will go? Who would respond?

a.      Top of Isaiah’s voice—SEND ME, SEND ME!

b.      Why would one go on behalf of a holy, righteous, purposeful God?  Quite a fearful, awesome task—lots of responsibility.

                                                               i.      Gratitude—for sin forgiven

                                                             ii.      Thankfulness—done for one who could not do it oneself—not worthy at all—all because God CHOSE to forgive.  

5)      How successful will I be? (vv. 9-10)

a.      No, you will not—they will not listen

b.      Success for YOU is not their response—it is sharing what God tells you to share

c.      Do your part—you can’t do their part nor the HS’s part.

d.      Many will never listen 

6)      How long God?  (vv. 11-13)

a.      Till there is no possibility of repentance left—till all have heard—till you no longer have breath.

b.      Billy Graham’s mom—sickbed—“Lord let me lead one more person to Christ before I die.”

c.      V. 13—a tenth remain—the remnant—some will listen and respond.  SOME WILL. 

Is this message just for prophets/preachers?  Did you deserve forgiveness and cleansing?  How grateful are you?  Why would God appear to YOU?  Would you too be privileged to serve God and go on His behalf—sharing what He did in your life? 

Has God appeared to you?  Have you felt His presence—even today?   

How did you feel when He did? 

What did He do for you that you could not do for yourself? 

How grateful are you? 

What is God’s plan to involve you in His mission/purpose? 

Are you living out that purpose/mission? 

Will you commit yourself or recommit yourself to His purpose?

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