Tuesday, July 3, 2012


In my first pastorate, the church was using Veggie Tale materials for Vacation Bible School when I went there as pastor.  So we continued that for a few years.  After one year's Bible school, the young people of the church got me a Bob the Tomato tie to wear.  It was a totally red tie with these two big eyes and the shape of Bob the Tomato, a Veggie Tale character on it.

Before Bible school, as I preached a couple of Sundays early, I would wear the tie.  I got some interesting stares from people in the congregation, but the kids loved it.

During Bible school, to fit with the kids and the theme, I would wear my shorts and t-shirt, but would also wear my Bob the Tomato tie over the t-shirt.  Silly--yes.  But VBS is a time to have fun and enjoy the kids and the themes as you taught God's Word.

During the school year, I sometimes substitute taught in the local school.  One day I was subbing in a second grade class for the day.  As students came in, I greeted each one and tried to break the ice with them and be friendly.  One boy, one of two twins who had attended our VBS, said "hi" as I said "hi."  Then he thought, looked back at me, and said to me, "Hey, you're the Veggie Pastor."  And I said, yes, I was the pastor from the church that used Veggie Tale materials.

I have many titles and many roles in life that I play and have had throughout life.  But one of my favorite titles that anyone has given to me is the "Veggie Pastor."  I took that to mean that I was all right, accepted, and willing to be a person of fun with the kids as I taught and led them to learn of God.

I believe it was the Apostle Paul who said that we would at times be "fools for Christ."  (1 Corinthians 4:10)  That He might be lifted up and accepted and then lived for, that is the purpose of being a "Veggie Pastor."

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