Friday, July 6, 2012

Independent, Dependent or Interdependent?


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!  Thanks to God for the freedoms and independence we have. 

Thankful for our independence—thankful for those who fought in Revolutionary War and others to retain our independence.  But for the believer—more important—dependence and interdependence. 

Matthew 22:36-39; Acts 2:42-47 

As we think of independence, let us also think of that being something allowing Christians to be dependent and interdependent. 

“It takes a village to raise a child.”  Attributed as an old African proverb.  Product of where we were raised, schools we attended, country of origin, parents and society we were raised in.  Cannot do it alone. 

No true independence—myth--American car—parts from 13 different countries—wars have not been fought alone (WWI, WWII, Desert Storm)—fight against terrorism, not just us—global economy (we all depend on one another—where do you get the gas for your car?).

For the Christian especially—not independent of others, but dependent on God and interdependent on one another

Love God—love others as you love yourself.

Could it be that for the believer in Christ what is more important to us should be dependence on God—interdependence on one another—not independence. 

“Fool says in his heart, there is no God.”  Fool also lives as if there is no God—independently—no prayer, no faith, making own decisions-even believers at times.  Live as practical atheists—as if there is no God. 

Ours is a nation of people from all over the world—unless you are native American—some of your folks came from elsewhere—immigrants. 

We need God—We need one another. 

Circle—think of a corner of the room—move in that direction.  Independence—everyone doing his/her own thing. 

Yurt Circle—every other person lean opposite way—1’s in, 2’s out—what happens?  We need one another—interdependence. 

Celebrate freedom and independence to make own decisions for government, rights. 

But also remember freedom is not a freedom just for me.  Freedom instead to choose dependence on God and interdependence on others. 

Early church in Acts 2.  “Everyone had everything in common—everyone was together, unified.  Genuine concern for one another—interdependence—“as one had need”.  What happened?  “Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”  What a witness! 

One another passages in Scripture—Apostle Paul--Love one another, serve one another, encourage, teach and admonish, submit to one another, etc. 

One of the most important freedoms you and I have, because of our independence, is freedom to worship God as we please. 

Recognize you are dependent on God—for everything. 

Also, recognize, you should be interdependent with other believers—you need them—they need you.  That is what the church is and should be. 

When we live in dependence on God—and in interdependence with one another, God is honored—and it may lead others to want this same God that wants us to “love others as we love ourselves”—and wants us to “provide for others and let others when there is a need, provide for us as well. 

Love one another—support one another—serve one another—submit to one another—teach and admonish one another. 

That is a good way to celebrate our independence!

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