Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Have you read the greatest devotional book of all time?  Actually, it is probably the second greatest devotional book, since the Bible would be the greatest devotional book for Christians and Jews as well.  And many of you have probably never read it in its entirety either.  (Yes, I have in a few different versions, in case you wonder.  Not bragging here--just challenging you to read it through for yourself.)

Thomas a' Kempis is thought to be the author (or editor) of The Imitation of Christ.  It has been read and reread probably by more Christians through the years than all other devotional books except for the Bible.

Today I share quotes from The Imitation of Christ.

In thoughts dealing with temptation and trials, this statement is given (as compiled in Richard Foster, Devotional Classics):

"Finally I want to teach you the way of peace and true liberty.  There are four things you must do.  First, strive to do another's will rather than your own.  Second, choose always to have less than more.  Third, seek the lower places in life, dying to the need to be recognized and important.  Fourth, always and in everything desire that the will of God may be completely fulfilled in you.  The person who tries this will be treading the frontiers of peace and rest."

1. Do another's will--that would be God, not our own or other people.

2. Put away the cravings for more and more that are so prevalent in our world today.  Allow what God provides to be "enough" for you. Paul said, "I have learned to be content in all circumstances." (Philippians 4:11)

3. Exercise humility--be a servant rather than always seeking to be in charge or seeking fame and recognition.  (Jesus taught this, didn't he?)

4. Seek God's will above your own will--desire it, seek it, pursue it and live it.

Good advice for living life?  Good advice, even beyond living through temptations and trials?  I think so.

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