Monday, May 21, 2012



Easy to get discouraged about life—family—church.  But today a reminder from Scripture to encourage us. 

Matthew 16:13-18; 1 John 4:4 

Jesus questioning disciples—“Who do people say that I am?”  Elijah, Jeremiah, one of prophets 

But really important question is the second—“Who do YOU say that I am?  Each person has to make their own decision—and then live by that decision. 

The Christ (Messiah), the son of the living God—not revealed by men—revealed by God.  Don’t come to it on our own—without God’s help. 

Heart decision—should become center of one’s life. 

Jesus then states He will build His church—His church, not our church. 

“Gates of hell will not prevail against it.”  Satan and his forces. 

Gate—not an offensive weapon—holed up inside—hunkered down—defense—protection. 

Are we as the church holed up inside?  As Christians? 

Different picture here—church/believers on the offense 

Gates of hell shall not prevail against church—cannot defeat the church—they are defending against OUR onslaught—our offensive. 

Is that what we see today in American churches? 

Why is the church not on the offense—but instead holed up inside—allowing satan and his forces to prevail? 

Is Scripture still true today?  How do you read it? 

Remember 1 John 4:4  “Greater is He—Jesus—the Spirit of God in you.” 

Accept Jesus—receive the Spirit of God—H.S.—to live inside.  Molding us—changing us—empowered us—fighting with us—giving us all we need to be on offense. 

Is Satan scared of you?  Probably not.  Is Satan scared of Jesus and God?   

Is Satan scared of you and I when we allow His Spirit to control us—empower us—live through us? 

Greater is He who is in YOU than he who is in the world. 

Satan doesn’t care what I do.  Satan does care what God does—God is all-powerful—not you and me. 

To be on offense we have to rely on the One who is inside of us who is GREATER. 

That’s why we read the Word—study it—pray—obey Him—cooperate with Him.  He makes us stronger—able to quit holing up inside and be on the offense instead against satan’s forces. 

They cannot prevail against us—when?  When we rely on the One who is GREATER. 

But so often we only do what we can do.  Experiencing God—Henry Blackaby--quotation: 

"when the world sees things happening through God's people that cannot be explained except that God Himself has done them, then the world will be drawn to the God they see." 

Years ago, from this study, these questions came to me—need to ask myself from time to time: 

1)     What are you involved in that only God can do?

2)     What are you praying for that only God can do?

3)     What is your church involved in that only God can do?

Christians need to think bigger—churches need to think bigger. 

In our own power?  No. 

Because “greater is HE who is in YOU, than he who is in the world.” 

Do we need to get back to the One who is greater so the “gates of hell shall not be able to prevail against us”? 

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