Monday, March 12, 2012


Today, my blog consists of my sermon notes from preaching yesterday at University Baptist Church in Macomb, our former church when we lived there. Maybe these notes can speak to you and your situation.

Baseball—must have an offense
Why don’t people do that?
Joshua 1; Eph. 4:11-13
1) Inferiority
a. I am not as good as person who did this before me
b. I cannot do it—task is too big
c. In both, focus is on self
2) Challenge for Joshua—focus on God, not others, not yourself
a. How big is God?How powerful?How skillful?Can He gives you what you need to succeed?
b. “Be strong and courageous”—given also to him in Deuteronomy 31.
c. “for the Lord your God is with you”—same thing said to Moses. Did God fulfill that to Moses? Would God do that for Joshua?Will God do that for you too?
3) Blackaby—Exp. God--“God equips those He calls”—gives them what they need to complete the task.
4) What is God asking you to “step up to the plate” with right now? God says to you, “Be strong and courageous because I am with you.”
5) Ephesians 4:11-13 Equipping task of a pastor—not to do all of ministry—to equip others for the work of service.
a. How can body best be built up? Everyone involved. Everyone using their spiritual gifts and talents to make the church work and make ministry happen.
b. Could be “on hold" if have no pastor or pastor sick or ...
6) Call to church is to be about Great Commission
a. Make disciples
b. Baptize
c. Teach people to obey God
d. Should that be “on hold” because pastor is ill? Should it ever be on hold?
7) Interesting what Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “Upon this rock I will build my church—gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” Will not stand up against it.
a. Implies church is on the offense—not defense—not “on hold”—not in a fortress against the world—not playing catch up. (Gates are for defense not offense. Who is behind the gates in the passage?)
b. Step up to the plate—implies everyone is involved—doing what God wants them to do to make the church on the offense against Satan.
c. Where are you right now—offense or defense?
Step up to the Plate

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