Monday, June 24, 2013


Where does wisdom come from?  Is it important to living life?  We learn wisdom from living life; but we also learn wisdom from spending time with wise people. 

Proverbs 1:1-9 

Who is the smartest person you know?  Guess what, there is someone smarter.  God.  So it makes sense that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” and wisdom. (v. 7)  He came up with the idea in the first place. 

Pretty strong words about the one who doesn’t fear the LORD in the same verse though—calls them a fool and says they DESPISE wisdom and instruction. 

Sad when people do not learn.  Sad when people do not learn from their experiences.  Sad when we do not have time to listen to wise people or glean from their experiences.  That is despising wisdom—seeing it as unimportant.  Very foolish! 

Bible  book of Proverbs—to teach wisdom—teach fear of the Lord—teach us how to live wisely. 

Much of it written to teach the King’s sons—the future kings—future leaders.  Kids and teens face many significant and important issues as they grow. 

Notice some of the practical aspects of learning wisdom: (vv. 3 ff)

1)      Instruction in wise dealing

2)      Learning righteousness, justice, fairness

3)      Guidance in living life—you ever need that?

4)      Education for life—not just busy work 

Where in life do you learn how to live righteously?  Remember who created righteousness and justice and fairness.  God. 

So who better to learn these things from—a person who is limited or God Himself? 

The beginning point in learning wise living—righteousness, fairness and justice is getting to know God.

1)      Implies a personal relationship with Him—your Master, your Lord, your friend—God

2)      Implies going where you will be exposed to Him and His teachings

a.       Personal time with God in His Word—neglect it and you neglect God and His teaching to you

b.      Being with other believers—other sincere followers—others who are not just Christians, but growing, maturing Christians who spend time with God and in His Word 

So if you don’t want to live life wisely—fairly—treat others respectfully—just don’t hang out with God or His people. 

And what does the writer of Proverbs call that person—a fool, because they despise wisdom and instruction (teaching). 

Notice how important it is to people (vv. 8-9) 

Parental instruction and wisdom—especially from parents who are seeking to mature and grow themselves—seeking God—is a gift granted to you—the wisest choice—“garlands and pendants”—jewelry to adorn you—things won by you. 

Listen to your friends when they entice you to do evil and foolish things rather than your parents—and you are in danger. 

And who is the wisest parent?  God.  That’s where true wisdom and teaching for life comes from. 

Who knows more about your situations of life than you do or your parents even know?  God.  So consult Him about those situations—those decisions—the guidance you need. 

James 1:5, says “if any of you lacks wisdom, let Him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach.”  God wants you to seek Him—seek His mind—seek His heart about choices you will make in life.  And where better to go to make the best choices in life? 

One friend—pattern—one Proverb per day each month—learn lots of wisdom.

BUT, an important thing to is to follow the wisdom.  Often a breakdown for Christians comes when they KNOW the right thing to do, but do not DO it. 

James says, “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.”  Action is required when we learn something from God.  We need to use it or we lose it. 

Solomon is writer or compiler of many of the Proverbs.  But as time went on, he may have written them—he may have taught them—but he turned away from doing them.  And his leadership of Israel got weaker and weaker.   

Belief and following God is not a one-time event.  It is an ongoing relationship like marriage—and an ongoing seeking God and seeking godly wisdom through His Word. 

And it is ongoing obedience and adjustments made to go with God.  Isaiah 55 tells us that God’s ways are not our ways.  We have to learn God’s ways from God because we are human—not God and not godly enough on our own. 

Tomorrow you have choices you didn’t have to face today or similar choices to make.  Yesterday you may have chosen to choose God’s way—but will you do that also today, and tomorrow, and next week? 

Life’s choices and challenges do not get easier in many ways. 

Do you want to be wise or foolish?  Seek to know what God wants—but then seek to obey and live out that choice when situations come up in life.  “The beginning …to fear the LORD.” (v. 7)


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