Monday, May 13, 2013


Hannah—devout Jewish woman—an example on Mother’s Day. 

1 Samuel 1:1-6, 10-17, 20-28, 2:1-2, 11-12, 18-21 

Story of rivalry over one having children and one not.  Similar to Jacob’s wives, Leah and Rachel. 

Verse in Proverbs 31  “But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (31:30b, NIV) 

Hannah was that—a woman who feared the Lord and believed in the Lord mightily. 

What is an example from Hannah’s life for mother’s today: 

1)      She wanted a child badly—in context of rivalry, but she seriously wanted to be a mom and have a son.  Get the impression if God answered that prayer, she would be a doting mom, a mom serious about the task of raising her son.  Is best when mom’s take the task of being a mom seriously—make it a priority—important thing over many other things in life. 

2)      She knew the child was God’s gift and belonged to God—to have a child is truly a gift of God—not everyone does/has.  So this is a blessing to be a parent. 

3)      Another aspect—child really belongs to God—Hannah dedicated her child to service of the Lord.  Nazarite vow—no razor to come on his head—serve the Lord.  Generally was made by person himself—only for a time in life—she made this for her son—for all his life. 

a.       How could a mom who desperately wanted a son do this?  She knew the child really was not hers but God’s.

b.      So she was willing to give Him to the service of the Lord.  God knew best over the mom (or dad).  Our children are really not ours—they are God’s.  He can take care of them best.

c.       Known of parents able/willing to see their children go overseas as missionaries—how can a parent do that—especially with grandchildren—believe they really belong to God, not us—and that He knows best. 

4)      Hannah’s continuing dedication to the child—continued to provide him with clothing and needs when she came yearly to the place where he served—with Eli.

a.       Robes—clothing—sacrifice of her time to make these—may have torn at her heart to bring these to him once a year.  But dedicated to him and to the Lord he served as well.

b.      Easy sometimes in busy-ness of life to forget the child and his/her needs—but Hannah’s dedication to her son showed. 

5)      Hannah made the Lord a priority over even her son—“a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” 

a.       Whenever we read this Scripture, we are reminded of Hannah’s dedication to the Lord—praise her commitment

b.      She was dedicated to her son—but even more dedicated to the Lord-

c.       Hannah supported the Lord’s work by supporting her son—robe, prayer for him. 

What happened to Hannah’s son?  Eli’s sons corrupt—rejected as priests and prophets.  Samuel became next powerful priest of God. 

Samuel lived for Lord faithfully.  Samuel anointed Israel’s first king, Saul—and most powerful king, David.  Passed his blessing along to the nation and to the leaders of Israel. 

What a blessing for Hannah.  Yes, the Lord gave her more children, but the nation was blessed through her prayer. 

When we pray for child—we never know who that child will be.  May be a mighty person of God—locally, regionally, worldwide. 

When we take care of our children with food, clothing, love—never know what plans God has for them. 

We should pray and surrender our children—again and again—to God’s service in any way He sees fit—they really are not ours—they are gifts from God—and may be our gift back to God as well—our way of blessing Him and His work. 

No guarantees in life—“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  (Prov. 22:6)  General wise saying about doing our parenting task seriously—but not a promise of guarantee. 

But how was Hannah blessed in being a parent. 

And how are we blessed in being parents. 

·         Pray for our children

·         Take seriously our task to raise them

·         Provide for their needs—physically, emotionally, spiritually

·         Continue to love/support them even as adults

·         Seek the Lord even over the child herself/himself

·         In prayer, give them to the Lord again and again—His not ours 

Thanks Moms—“Fear the Lord, and you will be praised.”

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