Thursday, January 17, 2013


Deuteronomy 6:1-12 

1)     What commands does Moses refer to in v. 1?

2)     What were the purposes of the commands (v. 2)? 




3)     Is obedience optional?  (v. 3)


4)     Shema is listed in vv. 4-9—Jewish confession of faith—to be recited daily.

a.     Yahweh is our God—Yahweh is only One—One God—monotheism

b.    Great commandment—“Love Yahweh”

                                                              i.      Why “love” instead of “obey”?

                                                            ii.      How is one to “love” God?  (heart, soul, strength)

                                                          iii.      What is the point?

c.     Commands on the heart (v. 6)  What is the point?

d.    V. 7  What is Moses saying here?

e.     Vv. 8-9  What was the purpose of this—sounds strange?

5)     vv. 10-11  What is Moses emphasizing in these verses?

a.     Who provided it all?

b.    Why a good reminder for Christians even today?

6)     What is the tendency, even today, mentioned here?

a.     Why important for them?

b.    Why important reminder for us?

7)     So how would you summarize this passage?

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