Thursday, November 15, 2012



Here was my Veteran's Day sermon from last Sunday:

Veteran’s Day—we remember those who served our country in the military so that we might have the freedoms that we have.  Helped not only our nation—but others as well—be freed. 

How many of you are veterans?  Thank you very much. 

2 Timothy 2:1-4  What do good soldiers of Christ do? 

Be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ 

1.     None of us deserved to be saved—all of grace—a gift

2.     A privilege—not to be taken for granted—not to be forgotten 

Battle will continue 

1.     What you heard from others—message of Christ—commitment to Christ—pass it on 

Endure hardship as a good soldier

1.     Soldier life not an easy life—basic training to get into shape for the hardships that follow

2.     Expect the Christian life to be a battle

3.     Expect the Christian life to be at times a matter of suffering

4.     So many Christians want Christian life to be an easy life—we are in war—war with Satan—a very powerful enemy.  Does that sound easy—fighting an enemy who is more powerful than we are.  Remember 1 Jn 4:4  “Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.”

5.     Who is the victor—God not you—at times we suffer 

Keep priorities straight 

1.     In time of war—don’t get involved in civilian affairs

a.       Don’t be sidetracked by things less important than the battle

b.     Don’t be distracted by things less important

c.     Doesn’t that so often happen to Christians? 

2.     In time of war—remember the commander—whose in charge

a.      Soldier of Christ Jesus

b.     Commanding officer

c.     Good soldier wants to please commander—one in charge

                                                  i.      “I don’t like it this way”

                                                ii.      “I don’t think it ought to be done this way”

                                              iii.      “It’s too hard.”

                                             iv.      Who’s in charge? 

3.     How do you please the Commander

a.      Obedience to His teaching

b.     Spend time with the battalion—don’t desert—unity

c.     Keep training—Word, Prayer, Learning

d.     Watch out for things that take your focus off pleasing the Commander 

Are you a good soldier of Jesus Christ? 

In the battle, how do you remember to do these things? 

1.     v. 8  “Remember Jesus Christ”

2.     “Remember others who suffered for their faith”

3.     “Remember you are suffering for others who will follow you”—your family, other soldiers of Jesus—those yet to be soldiers of Jesus



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