Wednesday, January 26, 2011


In Illinois, we have some of the best soil for growing crops in the nation. In the central part of our state, ground is very expensive--it has wonderful, nutritious, black dirt.
I am a believer in Christ and a preacher. Sunday I will be preaching from Jesus, "Parable of the Soils" in Luke 8. As I study and prepare, I have to ask myself, "What kind of soil am I (today)?" What I so often find in myself, when I am honest with myself, is that some days I'm pretty rich and fertile soil for the seed to penetrate and grow. But other days, (even as a preacher), I am pretty rocky or allow the thorns of life to disallow the seed to grow as it should. Believe it or not, preachers are still people too! (Oops! The secret is out.)
One nice thing to remember is that the same One who wants me to be "black dirt," the soil ready for planting, cultivation, growth and maturity, is also the One who says,"I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)
So what does that mean? Even when I am not "black dirt," the best soil today for the seed (Word of God) to penetrate and do its work in, He still loves me and wants the best for me. He forgives me and has a plan to work in me, even despite myself. (I believe that might be Jeremiah 29:11)
Maybe tomorrow I will be better soil than today. Maybe I will learn to persevere and stick with what I believe, who I am, and who I was made to become. Maybe I will be more willing to listen to the One who loves me with an everlasting love--and incredible love that has no end. Maybe at some point, I will "get it."
But when I am not "black dirt," then He is willing to forgive me, and love me anyway. He is willing to not give up on me. He is willing to continue to work with me and in me and around me. Sounds like perseverance on His part, right?
What kind of dirt am I today? Maybe I need to check and see, so I can get darker as the day goes on, by His love and His forgiveness.
What kind of dirt are you TODAY?
(By the way, and this is free, there are some pretty relevant and practical things written in the Bible. Check it out for yourself and see, and then tell me what it says to you.)

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