Walking on water is impossible--but in Matthew 14:22-36, we find two different people walking on the Sea of Galilee.
Jesus had a busy day of ministry, so he sends the disciples in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Jesus goes to a mountain to pray to His Father and spends evening and much of the night. The disciples are fighting to get the boat across because a storm comes up.
Early in the morning, Jesus joins them by walking on the Sea. The disciples see Him, and are afraid he is a ghost. I mean, who can walk on water?
Jesus tells them not to be afraid, that it is He (literally "I am.")
When Peter realizes it is Jesus, he asks Jesus to identify Himself by asking Peter to come to Him, walking on the water. Jesus tells Peter to come, and Peter does.
Successfully walking toward Jesus, Peter then sees the storm and effects of the wind, and begins to sink. Of course, he asks Jesus to save him. Jesus lifts him out of the waves and asks Peter, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt. (ESV)
They get into the boat; the storm ceases, and the disciples worship Jesus and say, "Truly, You are the Son of God." Good statement since only God can control nature.
Peter--impetuous, fool hardy, maybe full of faith, and yet like us all, he has his doubts too, especially when he thinks about the situation he faces. Who can walk on water? Who can do so during a storm? Certainly I can't; I don't have the power to overcome those forces, yet Peter was doing that due to Jesus' power just a minute before.
What so often happens with us like Peter, is that we take our eyes off Jesus. We look more at the situation than we do the God who can control anything and do miracles. So we let the situation become bigger as we make Jesus smaller. Who is the Lord--the situation you face or Jesus?
Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God) used to say, "Look at the circumstance from God's perspective rather than looking at God through the circumstance." In other words, what could God achieve through this; how could He grow me through this; what purpose might He have that I might join and obey and follow?
Jesus saved Peter, but He also shows Him that faith is necessary to do what God wants. We should not doubt His power to do ANYTHING. The impossible is possible with God and His son, Jesus.
Peter and the disciples learn important lessons from this story. They learn to trust God (at least for now) for anything--even impossible things. They learn to focus on Jesus not circumstances. And they learn a bit more of who Jesus is--they worshiped Him and called Him the Son of God.
What do you face right now that is IMPOSSIBLE? Will God be there for you in this seemingly impossible situation/task? Is He powerful enough to overcome or help you get through it?
Keep your focus on Jesus, not the problem or situation; look for His perspective.
And through this all, you will learn that Jesus is the Son of God, and you will learn more of what that means--all good lessons for followers of Jesus who are on a long and winding road. And the more you learn about the real Jesus, the more you will worship Him.
Very True Sam and this meets my current situation so thank you for sharing!