Some people are always fishing--spring, summer, fall and even ice fishing.
I'm looking at the life of Peter right now, and notice some beneficial things in the call of Peter to "Follow Jesus." (Mt 4:18-22; Mk 1:16-20; Lk 5:1-11). The Lucan account may be a fuller version of the same story in Mt and Mk, or could be another story. I focus on the fuller account in Lk today.
The professional fishermen, Peter, James, John, had fished all night and not caught anything. Jesus tells them to cast the nets out deeper for a catch. Simon Peter doesn't protest, but just says they were unsuccessful overnight, their best time to fish. This highlights the story even more.
Peter and the others cast the nets as Jesus tells them, and get a miraculous amount of fish. "so full that their nets begin to break" and they fill two boats. Peter recognizes Jesus' appearance and miracle show he (Peter) is in the presence of God--at least something only God could do. So as Isaiah in Is. 6, when God appears, Peter realizes he is sinful and not worthy to be in Jesus' presence. He is awestruck and amazed.
Similar words when God shows up to people (theophany) in the Old Testament, "Don't be afraid." Saying, "I am here for a good purpose; I want to empower you to do my work."
"From now on you will catch men." (Whatever that means)
In all three Gospels, the fishermen leave family, business, leave everything to follow Jesus.
Peter was told to fish in "deeper" water. Probably not an allegory really here, but there are times in life when people expect too little, need challenges and a change from the same old. But Jesus does not call us to a life of ease and comfort. He calls us to listen to Him for directions. And that means we go into deeper water than we would on our own.
Even when it doesn't make sense, I am to listen and obey the Lord. And it often does not make sense from my or a human standpoint. But remember, God's ways are not our ways.
When one recognizes he/she is in the presence of God, the attitude one needs is that of awe, worship, respect, and realizing one`s sinfulness. It is only of God's grace and mercy that we can be in the presence of a Holy God.
God comes to us with an important and good purpose in mind. Greater service for Christ is part of our gratitude for His forgiveness and grace.
Fear is human; not godly. Focus on God can take fear away.
When the challenge from God comes, the answer for us is to "leave everything and follow Him."
For the disciple/believer/follower of Christ, everyday is an opportunity to be an influencer for Jesus among people we are around. It is a chance to "fish for men/women."
I will probably never see 3000 accept Christ through my service, like Peter did at Pentecost (Acts 2). But I can help people move closer to becoming followers of Jesus everyday--one by one. And that too is part of praying, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
Let's go fishing, even in an informal way.
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