Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Abbi, you are not yet born, though the due date is very soon.  We anticipate your arrival with anticipation and joy.

How incredibly loved already you are, even though we've not seen you with our eyes or held you with our arms.  How incredibly loved!

You will be born into a family who loves you and cherishes you--a family who loves God and will do all they can to make your welcome warm and compassionate.  A family who will make you know you are cherished and important.  A family who will try to show you the love of God that is in our hearts.

Your dad and mom want you to learn to be the person God means you to be.  They want to help you grow up to be a productive person in this life--a person who cares for God and others.  A person who will be just what God means for her to be.  I pray for your parents as they do what is best in life for you, and may they continue to be guided by God's purposes in all of that.

You are a fruit of you dad and mom's love for one another--a loving, caring marriage relationship where they seek to help one another grow and want to be godly, loving parents for you. 

You are so fortunate!  Extended family also wants the best for you in all things.  We want to give you a model and picture of what this life is intended to be--a rich, abundant life of joy and peace and faith and service to others.  So many children are not born into families such as you are blessed to be.  Do not take for granted this beginning, and these loving parents and family, as I expect you will when you come to teen years and a time of asserting your independance more.

Know that before you were ever conceived, God knew you and planned you, and loves you.  He gave you a gift of the family you will be born into because He knew what He wanted for you.  He sees you, not just as the little baby about to be born, but He already sees you completed--as a teen, an adult, as a person of value and worth all through life.  You are so fortunate, as is everyone in this world, to have a God who loves you more than any of us can, though we will try to do our best.

Abigale Madlyn--you are named after family members who are cherished by your parents also, so you received their names.  Remember that love and why you are named what you are, and remember who you are and who you came from.  And in all of this, remember whose you are--a child born from the love and purpose of God.  At the right time, our prayer is that you will love Him back with a little of the love He has for you, and a little of the love your family has for you and for Him as well.

You will have storms in life--every person does.  But you will have loving family that will help guide you through it all--will try to point you to the One who has all the answers to life's problems and questions.  We have made mistakes in this respect, and you will too.  But my prayer is that you will stay on track, not forgetting a love that will never let you go.

Today, I am overwhelmed with a love for a little one I have not yet met.  But I am even more overcome with love for One whom I have also never yet met in Person, yet love and believe to be My Guide.  He gave you to us, for however much time as He feels is within His plan.  Thanks be to the Lord who gives us people to love and people who love us.  And thanks be to God who loves us with an everlasting love--one that will go on even when no one seems to love us or at least we think that.

What a wise One He is, Abbi.  Listen for Him in all the experiences of life, and you will be a wise person, a person finding His incredibly loving purpose for your life. 

Thanks Lord for your ways of giving earthly family to us--for love and its fruits--for little ones whom we can cherish, nurture, and help through this life.  May I be the kind of loving grandfather that Abbi needs.

I love you Abbi!  G'pa White.

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