Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Psalm 19 

God’s revelation of Himself to people 

  1. vv. 1-6             General revelation to all—creation, beauty 

  1. vv. 7-11            Specific revelation through His Word—more info than just creation 

  1. Note verse 11—“servant warned—in keeping, great reward”
    1. Knowledge of God is not enough
    2. Needs to connect to obedient living 

  1. vv. 12-14—How to live

    1. How can one discern his errors?  (Word reveals) 

b.      Forgive my hidden faults—things we aren’t aware of—often sins of omission or things done unintentionally—not aware of 

    1. Keep servant from willful sins—sins of commission—committing—aware, but don’t care or do anyway 

                                                               i.      Willful sins often lead to captivity—bondage—slavery to sin

                                                             ii.      Let me confess these before they enslave me

                                                            iii.      We are blameless/innocent only through the mercy and forgiveness of God—through Jesus 

  1. Good prayer—“Let the words/meditation be acceptable

    1. What comes out of my mouth
    2. What I think about—ponder
    3. Where do these all come from?  (heart—what is within)
    4. How does one let only good come from mouth—good in what we think about/ponder?

                                                               i.      Remembering God when we see creation

                                                             ii.      Staying in His Word

                                                            iii.      Will lead to confession of sin and attempting to stay away from sin

What pleases God will be what is best for us—“May the words/meditation be acceptable in Your sight.”

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