Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Jesus next "I AM" statement comes in John 11:25, Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;" (NIV)

The context is of Lazarus' death. Lazarus was friend of Jesus and brother of Mary and Martha. Jesus hears of Lazarus' death, waits a few days, and then goes to Bethany. As he arrives, he is met (accosted, scolded) by sister Mary. Here is one of the most important statements by a follower of Jesus as to who He is and what He can do. Maybe even an expectation of what he will do (raise Lazarus now from the dead).

In this passage, we find both an important sign (miracle pointing to who Jesus is and God's power within Him) and an "I AM" statement. (Note the mixing of Jesus' word and deed--pointing to who He is.)

Before the raising of Lazarus, Jesus says, "I AM the resurrection and the life."

Mary believes that Jesus could "prevent" death--"If only you had been here ..."

Jesus teaches and shows that He has power over death, EVEN AFTER IT HAS OCCURRED.

"I AM the resurrection and the life." I am the power to come alive again. (Doesn't only God have power over death? Who, therefore is Jesus?)

And I am the life itself--eternal life, abundant life, life with no limits.

All of that Jesus provides for the believer, disciple, follower--an overcoming of death (often seen as the final event or the final victory of Satan), and a genuine and abundant life (one that will last forever).

Then Jesus proves His statement here by raising Lazarus from the dead. Word and deed--statement and proof--saying followed up by action.

If there is eternal life and abundant life and overcoming of death, even after it occurs, isn't that a reason to investigate Jesus more for yourself.

Because of Jesus being the "resurrection and the life," the follower/believer in Jesus does not need to worry about earthly death. It will be overcome by Jesus' action.

So the Christian celebrates Easter being Jesus' resurrection. And the Christian sings the song, "Because He (Jesus) lives, I can face tomorrow" and whatever may come in this life, including death.

Jesus raised Lazarus. Jesus was raised from the dead Himself. And one day, Jesus will raise all those who place their trust/faith/hope/life into His keeping. That's a reason to live today with confidence and hope!

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