Monday, April 30, 2012


Last night, my pastor, was teaching from the beautitudes in Matthew 5.  As we came to verses 6 and 8, something he said really struck a chord with me.  These are the verses that especially spoke to me:

 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.  ... Blessed are the pure in heart,  for they will see God."

And the statement as I heard it that he made was, "Each of us have as much of God's righteousness as we want.  Maybe not as much as we would like to have.  But as much as we want."  My wife heard it as related to the Holy Spirit (as least from her memory this morning, as we discussed it further).  Either would be true.

Is not there much truth to that.  We may "think" we would like to have more.  We may even "think" we have more than we do.  We may wish we had more of God's righteousness or His purity or His holiness or the Holy Spirit.  But when it comes to doing what is necessary to acquire it, we do not follow through.  We're just unwilling to do the work necessary.

For much of my life, I have been all about growth, maturity, seeking to know more and more.  I was told years ago that the word "philosophy" means lover of wisdom or lover of the chase (in that pursuit).  And I have been a "lover of the chase"--the pursuit of wisdom--godly wisdom.

And yet, there is within me laziness.  I WISH I had more, but I am not really willing to PURSUE what is necessary for more.  Not willing to SEEK above other things the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  I have as much as I want, but not as much as I wish I had or as much as I COULD have.

Yes, growth in Christian maturity depends on God's provision--on His pouring out His blessings, His love, the experiences of life that provides that growth.  But along with God's side is my side.  My pursuit of Him--my abiding in Him and letting His words abide in me--my willingness to pray and study and fellowship and share Him and do other spiritual disciplines that would aid my growth in holiness and righteousness and the Holy Spirit.

So what do I often do?  I settle for less than God offers.  I settle for "as much as I want" but don't strive toward all of God's purpose and plan for me (see Philippians 3 for Paul's striving for finding God's purpose).  I have as much as I want but not as much as I wish for.  And therefore, I settle for less than I could have spiritually, in righteousness and holiness.  And less of the Holy Spirit, Himself, than I could have.  (Actually I have all of the Holy Spirit; but I do not let Him have all of me.  I keep control instead of being in His control.  I will receive no more of the Holy Spirit by allowing Him more control.  I will just have more of life focused on Him and His purpose.)

I have all that I want--all that I am willing to pursue--to seek--to strive or work toward--all that I allow God to control.  But there is so much more that I "wish" I had;  so much more that is available to me, as I make myself more available to God and His Holy Spirit.

What about you, my friend?  Do you have all that you want?  Are you settling for much less than you could have?  Much less than you often wish? 

If you have not started the journey, then begin it.  If you have lost your way or gotten sidetracked on this pursuit of God and His purpose, then get back to the path and pursuit.  If you are seeking, then how could you seek more than you are seeking right now?

In the words of  Neil Diamond song, "The road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where, who knows where."  But the road is worth the effort--worth the pursuit--worth the challenges and the time.  And there is more and more and more available. 

Join me as a lover of the chase--lover of wisdom--lover of God.  And see how you and I could make up some of the difference between "as much as we want" and "as much as we wish."

Join me.

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