Here are notes from the Bible study I did last night. I titled it, "Why the Bible is Important." It is taken from Paul's letter to Timothy, chapter 3:10-17 (mostly 15-17).
1. It is able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus (v. 15)
a. Points us to Jesus as the way, truth, life (Jn. 14:6)
b. Shows must have faith in Him for salvation.
2. Scripture is God-breathed (inspired)--God is behind it all--"Word of God through words of men." (v. 16)
a. ALL Scripture--Scripture of Jesus and Paul was the OT. NT not written yet--Paul writing letters that became Scripture, but that was not His intent or purpose.
b. Verse refers to both Old and New. Shows importance of knowing the Old Testament. Can't really understand many things in New without knowledge of Old.
3. Scripture is useful--4 Ways
Look at Christian life as a path or road. From time to time, we veer from the path and need to go back or be restored to the right path or road.
a. Teaching--doctrine--Scripture tells us "what to believe"
b. Reproof--rebuke--Must know what is wrong for a Jesus follower to do--Scripture points that out--convicts us.
c. Correction--moves us back to the right path again. Doesn't just leave us in our wrong situation or state. Shows us the way back--confession, repentance leads to mercy and grace and restoration.
d. Training in righteousness--Just believing the right things is not enough. Need to live it out (action needed)--Scripture shows us how to live it out.
4. Equipping us to work for God (v. 17)
Which of these are important to you right now? What are other reasons Scripture is important to a follower of Jesus?
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