Wednesday, January 11, 2012


My last post was about parting words. Parting words are often important--the last things that are said to us by those we love or those who love us.

As I was reading in Deuteronomy the other day, it dawned on me the important things that were said as final words by some important Bible characters.

Moses--His final words in Deuteronomy were to prepare the people of Israel for continuing their allegiance to God as they were led by a new leader, Joshua, to capture the promised land. In Deuteronomy 32, we find Moses challenging the people to listen and obey God and His words (32:44-47). They were not "idle words" or unimportant words. They were "your life." Three to four chapters earlier in Deuteronomy, Moses had delivered to the Israelites some "blessings and curses" from God. If they obeyed God, they would be blessed. But if they disobeyed, they would be cursed. They disobeyed and ended up losing their land, their freedom, and were once again in captivity. If they had only listened to Moses' challenge here to listen and obey God's words to them.

In Matthew 28, we find some of Jesus' last words for His disciples. And that, we call, the Great Commission, "Go, make disciples, baptize, and teach others to obey all God commanded." Sounds a bit like Moses' words. Are these last words of Jesus important words? So how are we doing in obeying them (and how are you personally doing in obeying them)?

The apostle Paul also gave some final words in 2 Timothy. He wrote to a pastor whom he had discipled. The words challenged Timothy to continue with God and with his ministry on behalf of God. The book was especially a call for Timothy to persevere. Paul pointed to the fact his life was being poured out as an offering to God (chapter 4) but he had kept the faith, despite severe hardship. (You will find some of the hardship in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33.)

But Paul said there was a reward awaiting him and others who were faithful (2 Tim. 4:8). So the hardship and battle and faithfulness and persevance were worth it all! A good reminder to Timothy who still had to wage more of his battle and live by faith while his mentor and discipler left him for the Lord's presence. (Kind of like Moses and Joshua.)

Final words--not just final words from people we know today--as I had with the parting words from my mother--but also final words from some important biblical people.

Yes, Jesus will be with us "til the end of the age," and then, as Paul said, there will be a further reward, a "crown of righteousness" when Jesus returns.

Is there reason to persevere? Is there reason to obey God and His Word? Is there a reason to disciple and teach others to obey?

Fight the good fight of faith today and keep the faith! It will be worth it all. That's what the final words say.

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