Today a longer post--my sermon from last Sunday (Aug. 7, 2011). Some is sketchy--sermon notes:
In marriage, we are to be faithful to our spouse and faithful to our vows. In contracts and commitments to others, we are to stick with what we said--be faithful to them. And with our God we are to be faithful in our commitment as well. Paul talks about that in 2 Timothy 2:1-7.
Paul--writing to Timothy, a young pastor--close relationship between the two. A discipling relationship. Paul getting ready to die and no longer be available to Timothy, so he leaves behind his last words of advice.
Be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus--Is easy to get sidetracked from grace to works--from grace to law. We are though, saved by grace--not anything we do--not anything we earn or deserve. And Timothy, as well as any other follower, is to continue to live by grace--not law, not works--but all by the grace provided for us through Jesus Christ.
Paul is reminding a pastor of this--Timothy. No one is immune to living life the wrong way for God--even pastors and church leaders.
v. 2 A verse about discipleship--following faithfully--being true to God and His kingdom purposes.
Paul said, "You've heard me say these things when many had gathered, but not everyone has heard or heeded. Even believers sometimes don't hear and heed." "So what does Paul tell Timothy to do, if this is true? "Entrust what is important--entrust the teachings to those who will be faithful." Reliable men--trustworthy people--people who will hear and heed.
Several times in life I have heard that what a disciplemaker is to look for in a disciple consists of three things--summarized by the letters "FAT."
1) Faithful--reliable--people you can count on--people who listen and heed--people who obey God.
2) Available--Many people are too busy. Many are not interested because they are involved in other things and they will not make time--not give time to God and His purposes. Those who are not available to the disciplemaker will only waste his or her time in a relationship that is designed to help the person grow. Genuine followers don't HAVE time; they MAKE time! It is that important to them.
3) Teachable--Some people, even believers at times, have their minds made up. They are not teachable by someone attempting to help them grow in the Lord, nor are they teachable when God speaks directly or indirectly to them. Many of these will give up reading God's Word or attending Bible study or worship. Many of them will give a discipler their time but then won't attempt to make any changes, even when God shows them what and how to do it. Teachable.
Timothy is told to look for those who are faithful--available--teachable. Those who are really serious about their faith and growing in their relationship with the Lord. But there is another part of verse 2 also. Paul said look for those who are faithful to teach others--concerned with the lives of others who need the Lord and need to grow in faith.
Just knowing should not be enough for a believer--and it WILL not be enough for a disciple. The disciple--the real follower of Christ--will want to pass on what he/she has learned to someone else. Hymn--"Because I Have Been Given Much, I Too Must Give." I must share--I must teach others and pass along the goodness of God to others who need the goodness of God."
Paul says to Timothy, "spend time sharing with those who will be faithful to bear fruit--who will be faithful to pass the message--pass Jesus--pass the kingdom of God along to others."
Then Paul gives three examples of commitment like this:
1) A good soldier--wants to please the commanding officer--so he does not get sidetracked by things that aren't important. Endure hardship, sharing Jesus like a good soldier.
2) A winning athlete--It takes dedication to be that. It takes listening to the coach--and working hard--and faithfully doing what is necessary--refraining from many things that hinder or do not help. It also takes living by the rules. God sets the rules--He is the player/coach. If you don't play by God's rules you don't win the race God wants for you.
3) A hardworking farmer--He gets his work done--he gets his crop to produce. He bears fruit. If he is a tenant farmer--working for someone else--he works hard to benefit not only himself and his family but also his employer as well. When the owner succeeds, the tenant succeeds. The Owner is God.
This is faithfulness--this is working to bear fruit--this is focus on others not just self. This is being faithful, available and teachable. And Paul especially is talking about bearing fruit for our Lord.
When a person is really involved in growing and maturing in God's work, he/she doesn't have time to cause disunity and problems. They are seeking to unite with others to see God's tasks accomplished.
Verse 7 is the invitation for Timothy and us. "Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight in all this." Listen to what Paul says and see whether it rings true from God, or is it just the babbling of a man--a preacher? What will you do with this?
Are YOU a faithful one--passing it along to others who will pass it and Him along?
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