As I seek the Lord, here is the vision He is sharing with me. It comes out of whose I am and who I am.
I am sixty years old. At this point in my ministry, I am not about numbers but about life change. I am about not attenders but disciples. I am not about sitters but about actors for God.
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” I am not just about one church or one city; I am about the peoples of the entire world that Jesus died for, out of God’s love for them. (John 3:16) The church in America is in desperate need—the people in America are in desperate need—but they also need to embrace a worldwide, a global vision, as the task they are called to by Christ.
I am also about not how many people are in one church, but how many believers are in one Christian. I am about not how many walnuts are on one tree but how many trees are in one walnut and on one walnut tree.
I have to be about discipling. (2 Timothy 2:2) I am at the same point as Paul was—nearing the end of ministry, possibly. But I am passing along what I have learned to everyone, but especially to the faithful who will be faithful to pass it along to other faithful ones who are able (and willing and empowered) to teach others.
I “pray the Lord of the harvest to thrust out more workers into His harvest field.” (Luke 10:2) Many of those workers are not yet reached. They are not yet saved. They need to be discipled to become followers of Jesus. They then need to be discipled to spiritual infants and spiritual children and spiritual adults who will then get on board to disciple others. Many within the church have been believers for many years, but have not progressed beyond spiritual infancy and spiritual children.
What I am about is life change—transformation. What I am about is quality not quantity—not just baptisms and new believers, but believers that are equipped to be workers and disciplemakers of others. What I am about is not just the church or town or state or nation that we live in, but the world—it is all God’s kingdom—it is all His purpose. He told Abram, “I will bless the nations through you.”
This is the kind of ministry or church I am seeking to be involved in. This is my vision and my purpose, given by God. As I look at myself, this is God’s gifting to me and God’s passion for me.
I am seeking now where God can use me best within His passion and purpose and vision and harvest.
Thank you for this post! There is a lot in here that God has been showing me as well even though I am not in church leadership. My whole idea of church is in the process of changing.