Monday, December 24, 2012


Early church came to the conclusion from Scripture—Jesus was fully God and fully man (or human).  As Christmas arrives again, that is good food for us to ponder. 

Luke 2:1-20 (New Living Translation) 

Good to read different translations of Bible from time to time—to not lose the freshness—and see new things. 

Lots of contrasts in Jesus’ coming to earth: 

  1. Son of God—born in stable
  2. King—born to lowly mother, unmarried mother
  3. Ruler of world—yet came for sheepherders and other outcast peoples

Interesting what the angels did: 

  1. Praised God
  2. Proclaimed peace to humans
  3. Similar in many ways to Great Commandment of God—Love God—love others

So often we miss the meaning of Christmas: 

  • We think it is all about family—and it is—but it’s not!
  • We think it’s all about gifts—and it is—but it’s not!
  • We think it’s about the busyness and celebration—and it is—but it’s not!

For so many of us, our home celebration of Christmas will be more about us—than about Him and His birth! 

  • What do you do at Christmas at home, with your family, that’s about Jesus?
  • Maybe if you do not, it’s time to begin a new tradition:
    • reading Christmas story together
    • take time to bake a cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus
    • sing Christmas carols together
    • give or minister to those outside your family and home 

What are you teaching your children and grandchildren about the “TRUE” meaning of Christmas? 

Mostly, Christmas is about Jesus! 

  • Fully God in flesh—not like us as God--just as we are in flesh.
  • Loving God first—then loving people including our family
  • So often, we have things reversed at Christmas, don’t we? 

How will this Christmas be different from all the other ones? 

And what will you do to focus it more on Jesus—One who is very unlike us—and yet very like us—fully God and fully human? 

What will YOU do?


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Luke 2:1-20

The Message (MSG)

The Birth of Jesus

2 1-5 About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David’s town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancĂ©e, who was pregnant.

6-7 While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.

An Event for Everyone

8-12 There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.”

13-14 At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises:

Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.

15-18 As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.

19-20 Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself. The sheepherders returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they’d been told!



1.    What amazes you about the birth of Jesus? 

2.    If it had been you instead of God, writing the script for this story, how would you have done it? 

3.    Why would God do it the way He did it? 

4.    From the story, what does God value? 

5.    What especially has stood out to you, from this reading of the birth narrative? 

6.    What difference does the story really make in your life?


Monday, December 17, 2012


Angel appears to Joseph—God’s son to be born to Mary. 

Matthew 1:22-23 

Fulfillment of OT prophecy—“virgin will be with child”—Isaiah 7:14 

Call him “Immanuel”—Isaiah 8:8, 10 

·        “God with us”

·        Messiah—God’s presence with people

·        Anytime God called someone to task in OT, assured the person/people of His presence

·        Jesus was God with people 

Why is that important? 

·        If God is all powerful—and He is—He can change the circumstances from merely human to superhuman

·        If God is compassionate—and He is—there is always one present who cares in all our circumstances

·        If God is loving—and He is—we are never away from One who loves us—always loved. 

Was God present in Connecticut on Friday?  Yes. 

Why did God not change the circumstances?  Only God knows—human sin is allowed to take place.  God allows people freedom to make good choices and bad choices as well.

Today we are still assured that God is with us—in all circumstances of life—through God’s Holy Spirit. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012


God is amazing—never know how He will work—He can do it anyway He wants to. 

Luke 1:26-38 

Angel Gabriel appears to Mary— 

Highly favored—found favor from God—a blessing to be chosen by God—though at times, fearful—may wonder “How can you use me?” 

Reminder in every appearance of angel to person—“The Lord is with you or will be with you.”  God can do whatever He wishes.  His presence is the determiner of success or failure. 

Message to Mary:

  1. You will have a son
  2. He will be great
  3. Name will be Jesus—which means “God is salvation”—sounds like Messiah
  4. Son of the Most High God
  5. Throne of David—a king
  6. Will rule forever—Promise of God to David—you will have a kingdom that will never end—will not fail to have a descendant on the throne—suspended during captivities in OT.  Now to be restored.
“How can this be?”  Seems she understood would have a baby without the intervention of a man.  So how could it be?

Baby will be of the Holy Spirit—overshadow you—not in the usual way—a special birth—amazing conception—godly conception—totally different. 

Angel said—“this will happen”—even Elizabeth is amazed at God giving her a son at her advanced age.  Miracle baby but not in the way this one will be. 

“Nothing is impossible with God.” 

Do you believe that? 

What right do you think can not happen?  What do you think can’t be overcome? 

Nothing is impossible with God. 

You may say, "God could not use me"—who was Mary—a teenager—poor girl.  God used her. 

She was chosen because she was living faithfully to God—so she was highly favored—to be the mother of God’s Son, Jesus. 

Do you have to understand all the details to obey God?  No.  Mary did not understand.  Abram told to go and God would tell him when he was there. 

Many others didn’t understand the why or how, but God worked through them anyway.  That’s what faith is—following even when you don’t understand. 

Do any of us totally understand God? 

How did Mary respond? 

  1. I am the Lord’s servant
  2. May it be as you have said
Obedience even in the midst of the unknown—faith—willingness to believe God—that nothing was impossible with God. 

But after making this commitment, the road got easier for her, right?  Wrong.

Joseph would not understand.  All the people in Nazareth would talk badly about her.  Could be killed for adultery.  Hard trip to Bethlehem when fully pregnant. 

Later—not understanding her son.  Son then was beaten, crucified.  Later resurrected.  Then left earth. 

Mary had a hard life—even after obeying God.  No guarantees that when we follow God, life will be great.   

Promise her of God’s presence in the midst of it all—in doing God’s will—slowly revealed the next step of following Him. 

Is His presence enough for you?  Even when circumstances seem insurmountable? 

“Nothing is impossible with God.”  “I am with you.” 

What in your life do these messages apply to right now? 

Christmas is about:

  1. the presence of God
  2. the promises of God
  3. the hope through God

Monday, December 3, 2012


Luke 1:5-17 

Amazement of Zechariah 

v. 13  “You will have a son”—wife no longer barren—great news! 

v. 14 “You will have joy and gladness—many will rejoice with you”—sounds true of birth of a normal child. 

v. 15

·        “great in eyes of LORD”—maybe a priest or help with Temple
·        “no alcoholic drink”—set apart—Nazirite vow—good.
·        “filled with HS even before birth”—Whoa!
o     Only filling of Spirit in OT was for special service to Lord—not everyone--prophets
o     Before birth—amazing 

v. 16  “persuade many Israelites—turn to God”—turn back, repent—message of prophet 

v. 17

  • “spirit and power of Elijah”—great prophet—but is there more—prophecy of Elijah’s coming
  • “precede the coming of Lord”—predicted in Isaiah 40:3—fulfillment of prophecy—Whoa—my son—the forerunner?
  • “turn hearts of fathers to children”—Mal. 4:5-6  Further fulfillment of prophecy—the one coming before Messiah
    • Does this mean Messiah is NOW coming?
Do you know any families where the hearts of parents and children need to be restored again? 

Know anyone who needs minds/hearts changed—turn away from sin and turn to God?  Return to God they once served? 

Zechariah amazed—message from angel of who and what his son would be and do. 

Gradually sunk in—gradually revealed 

Message of repentance—salvation—missions

Lottie Moon—message of missions—a forerunner—preparing the way of the Lord in China—now all over world 

Amazing what God has done throughout the world! 

Is He done yet? 

Amazing what has happened through Lottie Moon offering. 

In giving and praying, we are “forerunners”—aid in turning people to God—aid in restoring family relationships 

Going too—Is everyone you know ready for Christmas—real meaning? 

             Show it—by your life 

             Pray it—individually by name/situation 

             Tell it—as opportunity arises 

Missions is not just in China, Nigeria, Iraq or Brazil—missions is here. 

International luncheon is missions—worldwide

Ministry/witness/missions in community—among families—near is missions worldwide also. 

Are you ready for Christmas?
  • Amazed at God
  • Heart turned to God
  • Relationships with loved ones restored
  • Living/giving/telling the message of Jesus
Till these are present, maybe you’re not ready. 

What could God do—this Christmas—that would amaze you?