Friday, October 19, 2012


I grew up in the small town of Thompsonville.  There were many wonderful people there who influenced my life in positive ways.  One of those was my friend, Mike Steed.  I went to church with Mike, was in youth group at church with Mike, sang in our church's youth choir with Mike, played basketball with Mike in high school, and played some as a boy with Mike and his older brother Denny.

But the most important way Mike probably influenced me was a Sunday in October, and that became my spiritual birthday.  A revival service was held in our church during that week, and I went a few nights, but I was troubled during the close of each service.  God wanted me to make a commitment of my life to Him, but I was just not sure I was ready yet to do so.  During that week there were several teenagers and kids that made commitments to Christ, and Mike Steed was one of those.  As we put it in Baptist circles, he was "saved" that week.

Sunday morning, I was sitting near Mike during the worship service.  Our pastor at the close of the service gave an opportunity for people to make commitments public.  Mike had been "saved" that week but had not asked to be baptized and join the church.  But that Sunday morning, he felt he needed to do that.  He had to pass me in the same pew (bench seating) to go where the pastor stood, and when he did, he asked me, "Don't you want to be saved too and go with me?"  And after dealing with this decision for probably 2 years, I said to him, "Yes, I do," and I walked to the pastor with Mike.  Mike told the pastor that he wanted to be baptized and join the church, and I asked the pastor to pray with me, so that I too would be saved.  The pastor and I prayed, and God saved me as I made that personal commitment to God that day.

Since Mike was a new Christian himself, I expect this was the first person that Mike was instrumental in leading to a commitment of faith in Christ.  No telling how many Mike's life led to the Lord throughout his life though.

Later in life, Mike acted as camp pastor at Children's Music Camp and my daughter got to know him and be challenged by his biblical teaching and wonderful jokes, as well as his favorite saying, "O Glory!"

And even later, Mike performed my mother's funeral and ministered to our family (as his brother, Denny, had done for us during my father's funeral).

So today, I thank God for Mike and his commitment to the Lord.  I thank him for asking me that day, "Don't you want to give your life to the Lord today?"  I thank God for giving me Mike as a friend, as a fellow minister who continued to influence my life for Christ.  I thank God for the times of sharing deeply about our lives and ministries and for the laughs Mike provided, and he provided many.  I thank God for the times to sing with him and be blessed by hearing him sing as well.

Soon "O Glory" will be changed into "In glory!"  And that will be the best by far.

Thanks Mike.  I love you brother and I'll see you again one day when we'll laugh and talk about our home town with laughter, but also with a joy we've never been able to have on this earth.

I wonder, my reader, would YOU like to accept this Jesus into YOUR life today?