Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What do you want for Christmas this year? A very common question asked this time of year. What is your favorite gift you will receive or have received? Good question.
Of all the gifts I've received, One has stood the test of time. It is still with me (even longer than some of the clothes that from time to time, my wife makes me throw away). I received it at age 15, and it was in October, not in December. But it was an important birthday to celebrate what I received nonetheless. It was receiving the gift of Jesus.
What is Christmas about? Family--yes. Giving to others--yes. Peace and love to others--yes. But without Jesus, it is just another holiday, another time to get with family and friends, overeat, watch sports or catch up with people, play games, etc. Are those things important? (Maybe most of them). But the most important is to catch up with Jesus and make the celebration about Him.
For many years, our family did not do much at Christmas with Jesus. (Of course, we went to church). It was so often just about being together and giving and receiving gifts. Then we began a time when we, as a family (not just the church family), began to sing some Christmas carols (about Jesus), read the Christmas story of Jesus' birth, and pray together. After that spiritual emphasis, we would then open our gifts.
Have you received gifts or "the gift"? What is the most important part of Christmas (CHRIST-mas)? Jesus--the real gift of Christmas, whether we had our birth in Him in December or October or another time. When His birthday comes each year, it is a time to celebrate the greatest gift, we as believers, have ever received. A time to remember our spiritual birthday, and as we celebrate that with others of our families, it is a time to point them also to the true meaning of Christmas--Jesus--THE GIFT.
Jesus Immanuel--God with us who will save His people from their sins.
If you do not have some spiritual celebration with your family, make a new tradition this year by taking time, with others, to sing or read the Christmas story (found in Luke 2 and Matthew 1), pray, and give thanks for the greatest gift you've ever received. And pray that everyone in your family will receive, at some point in their life, the greatest Christmas gift there is--Jesus. Do you have that gift? Celebrate Him and share Him.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Isn't life often subject to change? We plan and things go awry, or at least, not as we had planned. We work and think things will happen this way, when instead they go a totally different way. It could even make you think that you are not in control--a scary thought!

Well, that is true. You and I are not in control. We could attribute it to circumstances or luck. Makes more sense to me that there is a God in charge of it all--a Sovereign God, who plans and wills and His will does and will occur, even when they are in conflict with ours. If He is a good God--a I believe from the Bible that He is--then His plans are bringing about good, at least for Him, but often too--though I often don't see it--for me as well. (Romans 8:28)

One of my college roommates used to say, "Problems--that's what makes life interesting." Could have killed him at the time when he said that. Maybe even today, would like to kill him (not!) for planting that in my brain, to come out when problems arise.

Jesus' birthday--engaged couple--Joseph had it all planned out--and so did Mary. But it all was changed by a big God, a holy God, who was at work seeing that His plan for the salvation of the world came about. (Read Matthew 1 and Luke 2, Christian Bible) Interrupted the plans that Joseph and Mary had--but made a difference for them, the family they eventually had, and for all the world who embraces Jesus as Savior personally.

Could God's plans in my life--God's interruptions in my life--have a bigger purpose than what I have in mind? Plans for my spiritual growth or growth as a person? Plans for others who see me walk that path God plans and brings about, and they are pointed somehow through me to Him--that big, Holy God?

It's a good thing you and I are not in control. Actually when we are, things don't seem to work out too well very, very often. And that is a reminder of Who is in control, and Who is at work, and Who should get the glory and honor. At this Christmas season, remember that Jesus was the One sent to save His people, and all who would accept Him, from their sins. He would relate us to a Holy God, a Sovereign God, who has a plan and will bring it about. He would help God's purposes be brought forth (as a baby) in our lives and through our lives into the lives of others around us--sometimes, even people we do not know yet (even generations unborn? Yes).

Yes, life is subject to change, but when the changes, the interruptions, the unplanned circumstances are God's, great things will occur, even beyond what we ask or imagine.

Jesus--He came to save people from their, my, your sins! Thanks God for your wonderful interruption that we celebrate each year on December 25th!