One of the things I was challenged to do, years ago, was to memorize Scripture. Little did I realize the value of that as the years went by.
One man that used to be at College Student week at our national camp was Rollin. He said the greatest thing he had encouraged students to do in his ministry was challenging them to "hide God's word in their heart." Rollin would get up before maybe 2500 people and quote the 46th Psalm or an entire chapter in a NT book.
Because memorized Word is present it is always "living and active and sharp as a two-edged sword, to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb 4:12)
I attempted to memorize single verses or a few together such as Philippians 2:5-11 or Philippians 4:13-19. And some of those stuck.
Guess what--now 20- 30-40 years later, memorized Scripture comes to mind in various situations and gives me strength, challenge, encouragement.
You say, "I can't memorize Scripture." And I say, "Have you ever really tried it?' The key is going over the verses again and again over time--days, years, months.
Most of us know our Social Security numbers, driver's licenses, license plates, kids names, friends, various store names--which is more important to know--these or God's Word?
Review--review--review. And lots of it just comes down to laziness. I don't memorize and review because I don't want to.
But believe me, this is something that helps me so often right now--a sleepless night--a worry--a fear--a child out too late--being told I have leukemia.
So I want to encourage you to memorize God's word. Find verses that especially speak to you as you read the Bible. Work to memorize them perfectly. Then review them often--every day or so until you have them down.
When my wife did a Beth Moore study in James, she took up Beth's challenge to memorize book of James. She had most of it down. She told me one of the neatest things about this was as she reviewed and did it over and over, new meaning came forth from the Word. But most of us will never take the challenge--make the time to "store God's Word in our hearts." So what a blessing you miss.
"Hide the Word of God in your heart, that you might not sin against God." But do it also just for the pure pleasure of relating to the God of the Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--the One who loved you so much He sent Jesus to give His life a ransom for your (and my sin).
Memorizing Scripture is a way of getting to know God better for those (not just preachers) who are willing to take the challenge. Start small--1-2 verses per week--review everyday or every other day--and see what benefits it brings to your life!
When I have no physical Bible, I still have God's Word within me, speaking, challenging, convicting, teaching me.
So when are you going to begin memorizing Scripture? Maybe--today?
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