Monday, March 18, 2013


Christians do not realize the power Jesus has!  Today, an episode in the life of Jesus that contributed to his crucifixion—John 11:17-37
One of 7 signs in Gospel of John that point to who Jesus is.  First is turning water into wine.  This, raising of Lazarus, is the final of the seven.
Sign—something pointing to something else—giving instruction or directions.  John’s purpose—to point out who Jesus is and an aspect of His character and teaching.  All seven especially point out the power Jesus has.
As reader reads these, ask the question, “Who is Jesus that He would be able to be or do this?”
In the tomb four days—Jews believed spirit hovered over person for three days—but then, the person was gone, fully dead.  Buried very quickly in that culture—still do today—day of death if at all possible.
Martha and Mary—something of their personality—Luke 10—Jesus at their house—Martha cooks; Mary sits/listens to Jesus.  Here—Martha goes out to meet Jesus—Mary stays.
Repetition in Bible—something important—do not miss.  Each sister says same thing here.  Then at end, crowd gathered to mourn Lazarus says very similar thing.
“If you had been here, my brother would not have died.”  Crowd said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of a blind man have kept this man from dying?” (v. 37)
We say similar things on hearing of death—“If only I had been there—if only—I.”  Their statement was one better—“If only HE”—points to power of Jesus to keep people from dying.  We do not have that power, though we wish we did.
Jesus—“Your brother will rise again.” (v. 23)
Martha—“I know he will rise when all other dead rise—later—second coming—general resurrection of dead.” (v. 24)
Then, interesting statement—key statement of this passage—“I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?” (vv. 25-26)
Key statements:
1.       I am power over life and death.
2.       The key is belief (trust) in Me.
3.       Do you believe?
Jesus does not say, “I can resurrect myself”—nor “I can resurrect others.”  He says, “I am the resurrection.”  I am the power to resurrect—power even over death. 
We need to ask, “Who has power over death”—who—only God.  Jesus is God!  I AM statement—seven of those in Gospel of John also—I AM refers to name of God in Exodus.
“I am the resurrection!”  Only I have power over death—I am God!
Martha and Mary believed this—to some extent—“If only YOU had been here, my brother would not have died.”  He had power over death—before it happened.
But Jesus also said, “I am the LIFE.”  I am the purpose for life—I am the way to live life—I am the focus of life.”  Similar statements to what we have seen Paul say about Jesus in Colossians.
I am the life—Jesus is not just for death—He is very much for life as well.  The power of Jesus—power to live with Jesus begins now and is for now—not just later.
Martha said the right words—but did she really believe?  V. 27  “Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”  Is that enough?  If it is just a formula we have learned—maybe not—or at least—there is more to believe—deeper faith (trust), hope.  Yes, you are Messiah.  Yes, you are God’s Son.
But is there more?  “Yes, You are God!”  With all the powers that brings.
Jesus message is interesting—“He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”
The message is for the dead—and the message is for those who live also.  The dead will rise again—hope for those gone on who believed.  Jesus can overcome the grave.
But also hope for the living—will never really die.  Will they die physically—most all of us will—though some will not—those alive when Jesus returns.  But death for the one who believes is not really death—it is just a door from this life to life with God.  Never really dying.
Belief is for now and for death as well.  Trust—hope—in Jesus.  “I am the resurrection AND the life.”
“Do you believe?”  Most important question for them—most important question for us—“Do YOU believe?”
Seven signs in John—point to who Jesus is—cause us to ask, “Who is Jesus” and “Do I believe?”
“Who is this who changes water into wine?”  “Who is this who can heal the blind from birth?”  Who is this that even the wind and waves obey?”  “Who is this who raises the dead?”
“Do I believe?”  Really?
He is good for your death—Is He good for your life?  Worth dying for—is He worth living for?
Jesus proved who He was later in John 11 by raising Lazarus from death.  Led the religious leaders to want to kill Him even more, and to kill the proof—Lazarus—as well.  “Better for you that one die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” (v. 50)  “So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him” (John 12:11)
Martha and Mary grew in their belief.  Other Jews came to believe.  Do you believe?
He’s good for death—Is He also power for life?  For you?

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