Sunday, December 9, 2012


God is amazing—never know how He will work—He can do it anyway He wants to. 

Luke 1:26-38 

Angel Gabriel appears to Mary— 

Highly favored—found favor from God—a blessing to be chosen by God—though at times, fearful—may wonder “How can you use me?” 

Reminder in every appearance of angel to person—“The Lord is with you or will be with you.”  God can do whatever He wishes.  His presence is the determiner of success or failure. 

Message to Mary:

  1. You will have a son
  2. He will be great
  3. Name will be Jesus—which means “God is salvation”—sounds like Messiah
  4. Son of the Most High God
  5. Throne of David—a king
  6. Will rule forever—Promise of God to David—you will have a kingdom that will never end—will not fail to have a descendant on the throne—suspended during captivities in OT.  Now to be restored.
“How can this be?”  Seems she understood would have a baby without the intervention of a man.  So how could it be?

Baby will be of the Holy Spirit—overshadow you—not in the usual way—a special birth—amazing conception—godly conception—totally different. 

Angel said—“this will happen”—even Elizabeth is amazed at God giving her a son at her advanced age.  Miracle baby but not in the way this one will be. 

“Nothing is impossible with God.” 

Do you believe that? 

What right do you think can not happen?  What do you think can’t be overcome? 

Nothing is impossible with God. 

You may say, "God could not use me"—who was Mary—a teenager—poor girl.  God used her. 

She was chosen because she was living faithfully to God—so she was highly favored—to be the mother of God’s Son, Jesus. 

Do you have to understand all the details to obey God?  No.  Mary did not understand.  Abram told to go and God would tell him when he was there. 

Many others didn’t understand the why or how, but God worked through them anyway.  That’s what faith is—following even when you don’t understand. 

Do any of us totally understand God? 

How did Mary respond? 

  1. I am the Lord’s servant
  2. May it be as you have said
Obedience even in the midst of the unknown—faith—willingness to believe God—that nothing was impossible with God. 

But after making this commitment, the road got easier for her, right?  Wrong.

Joseph would not understand.  All the people in Nazareth would talk badly about her.  Could be killed for adultery.  Hard trip to Bethlehem when fully pregnant. 

Later—not understanding her son.  Son then was beaten, crucified.  Later resurrected.  Then left earth. 

Mary had a hard life—even after obeying God.  No guarantees that when we follow God, life will be great.   

Promise her of God’s presence in the midst of it all—in doing God’s will—slowly revealed the next step of following Him. 

Is His presence enough for you?  Even when circumstances seem insurmountable? 

“Nothing is impossible with God.”  “I am with you.” 

What in your life do these messages apply to right now? 

Christmas is about:

  1. the presence of God
  2. the promises of God
  3. the hope through God

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