Early church came to the conclusion
from Scripture—Jesus was fully God and fully man (or human). As Christmas arrives again, that is good
food for us to ponder.
Luke 2:1-20 (New Living
Good to read different translations
of Bible from time to time—to not lose the freshness—and see new things.
Lots of contrasts in Jesus’ coming
to earth:
- Son
of God—born in stable
- King—born
to lowly mother, unmarried mother
- Ruler of world—yet came for sheepherders and other outcast peoples
Interesting what the angels did:
- Praised
- Proclaimed
peace to humans
- Similar in many ways to Great Commandment of God—Love God—love others
So often we miss the meaning of
- We
think it is all about family—and it is—but it’s not!
- We
think it’s all about gifts—and it is—but it’s not!
- We
think it’s about the busyness and celebration—and it is—but it’s not!
For so many of us, our home
celebration of Christmas will be more about us—than about Him and His birth!
- What do you do at Christmas at home, with your family, that’s about Jesus?
- Maybe
if you do not, it’s time to begin a new tradition:
- reading
Christmas story together
- take
time to bake a cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus
- sing
Christmas carols together
- give
or minister to those outside your family and home
What are you teaching your children
and grandchildren about the “TRUE” meaning of Christmas?
Mostly, Christmas is about Jesus!
- Fully
God in flesh—not like us as God--just as we are in flesh.
- Loving
God first—then loving people including our family
- So
often, we have things reversed at Christmas, don’t we?
How will this Christmas be
different from all the other ones?
And what will you do to focus it
more on Jesus—One who is very unlike us—and yet very like us—fully God and fully
What will YOU do?