Uncle—squirrel hunter—as got
older—eyes worse—not rifle but shotguns.
Could that be the church today?
Luke 14:15-24
Jesus—dining at Pharisee’s
house—carefully watched as to what Jesus did.
Jesus heals a man with dropsy on
the Sabbath—taboo for Pharisees.
Jesus talks about humility at a
banquet. Take the lowly place and allow
the host to raise you to an honored place rather than assuming you have that
When you give a banquet—invite
the needy—poor, crippled, lame, blind.
A person eating with Jesus picks
up on banquet idea—“Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the Kingdom
of God.”
Implication—“I am blessed—I am
worthy—I am in K of G.”
Jesus tells parable—man invites
friends to banquet—before the event.
Now event is ready—servant goes tells those invited “NOW” is the time to
come, eat.
Excuses—flimsy excuses why they
can’t come though time for banquet is now.
Man sends servants to invite
others—“streets and alleys”—invite “poor, crippled, lame, blind.” Needy.
They come—but more room. “Go into roads and country lanes”—Compel
others to come in so the banquet is full—house is full.
Final statement—“Not one of
those who were originally invited (and did not come at the right time) will get
a taste of my banquet.”
Pharisees and religious
leaders—upright—knew all about the Messiah’s prophecies—OT Scriptures.
Jesus came—Messiah came—K. of
God near, present. But they did not
When God’s people did not
come—others invited—many Jews missed Messiah’s coming and banquet. Message went to Gentiles and others thought
to be “too far from God’s favor and blessing.”
Book of Acts—continues Luke’s ministry of Jesus to Gentiles, others,
Years ago—“What if we planned an
event and everybody came? What would we
do?” Maybe that happened years ago.
Now the church needing to answer
a different question—“What if we planned it and NO ONE CAME?” What now would we do?
Maybe those thought to be the
right recipients of the message are not.
Parable of the soils—Luke
8. Scatter everywhere—only 25% was good
soil. Scatter everywhere—here—“streets
and alleys, roads and country lanes”
The seed must be scattered. No seed sown—no produce.
Rifle or shotgun—one is very
targeted and centered—one scatters shot everywhere.
World has changed—the same is
not working—is it time in our poor eyesight of the world to shoot with shotguns
not rifles?
When the good did not come—the
outcasts were invited. Who came in the
parable? The outcasts.
Neal Cole—Organic Church—“Bad
people make good soil. They have lots
of fertilizer in their lives.”
People with no needs don’t
respond. People who are needy do--with
Poor, crippled, lame, blind—the
left outs—the needy—not allowed to worship at Temple.
Are we passing over the harvest? Are we shooting at the wrong targets? Are we using the rifle when we need to use
shotguns? Scatter farther out—spread
the word over more territory with those unlike us?
Church can’t grow—people aren’t
coming today—ever say that?
We continue to scatter—maybe we
scatter among those we didn’t think of scattering to before now.
Who are the left outs—the poor,
lame, crippled, blind—the very needy—the people with lots of fertilizer in
their lives.
What does it take?
Time spent with those we do not
enjoy being with.
Cole—“If you want to win this
world to Christ, you are going to have to sit in the smoking section.” (Cole, Organic Church, Introduction)
They aren’t coming to our
party—we have to go to them—where they are found—people that aren’t our kind—spending
time relating/spending time on their turf.
Where’s the good soil? If the good aren’t coming, use a
shotgun—scatter to any and all—go to them—sit with them on their turf.
Make people “people”—not
projects—befriend, relate, listen to them for their needs—but show Christ all
the time.
Rifle or shotgun—what do you and
your church need?
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