Today, as I was reading in two different books, the same message came out. Both made a statement about joining God in what He is doing. One of the seven realities that Henry Blackaby teaches in Experiencing God is "God invites you to be involved with Him in His work."
In Genesis, God called Abram to be blessed, but also to be a blessing to others. In other words, to be involved with God in His work. Isaiah was called in Isaiah 6 to experience God, but also to be involved in a work that would not be easy; in fact would not be accepted by many. Jeremiah was told a similar thing, but invited to be involved with God in God's work. The apostles, Paul, and many others were invited to join God in what He was doing in the world.
God attempts to do a big work in His world--to redeem, to reconcile, to love and receive love of others. He wants to restore a person to live in relationship with Himself--a loving relationship that is real and personal. He wants to help us overcome our faults, our wrongdoing, our weaknesses to live a fruitful and productive life. Part of that fruitful and productive life, as we live in relationship with Him, is to join in God's work of restoration. We are to show His love so that people will want His love, which is so much greater than our love, and so much more lasting. One might even say, God's love is eternal.
Sometimes, the ministry of "hanging out" as I call it, provides opportunities to join God in what He is doing. Because relationships are tools God can work through to show His love and share His love. They are enriching experiences that we can have with other people and God provides them for us to enjoy and also to help others as God directs and leads.
Life is not just about me. It is also about others. And life is enriched when one finds purpose in helping others and finds purpose in joining in what God is doing in His world.
Is there only one way to "join God in what He is doing"? No, because God created each of us with our own personality, our own gifts and talents. When someone says you should do it "his or her way" and that is the only way, they are wrong. (Watch out here, Sam White, when you preach.) Otherwise, why would we all be different, with differing mixes of whatever we have from anyone else?
But there are ways that each of us can "join God in His work." That comes through asking God to help us find that way, that niche. But it also comes from attempting to join Him and the trial and error that may bring. On the job training is necessary in all areas of life. Sometimes, one finds that is not her or him, and needs to attempt some other way. But sometimes, one finds this just feels "right," and is me, truly me. And what a joy when that occurs. You then get the impression this is your purpose, your gift, truly you, and that's exciting.
God loves everyone. God wants everyone to know and experience His love. God wants those who know that love and experience that love to share it with others. And to show it to others--genuinely, without show, sincerely, and unselfishly.
So if you've got His love, love others with that same unselfish love you have received. That will please God. That will be joining God. The world's got enough critics and cynical people (hear that one, Sam). What the world needs is more lovers--more encouragers--more uplifters. That is joining God.
Some of you (my age and older) may remember the Dionne Warwick song, still true today. "What the World Needs Now, is Love Sweet Love. It's the only thing that there's just too little of."
Join God in what He is doing--to love others.
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