Friday, March 23, 2012


The fourth "I AM" statement of Jesus in the gospel of John is found in John 10:11 and 14. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (10:11) “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." (10:14, NIV)

Jesus has switched descriptions of Himself in John 10 from being a "door or gate" to being "a good shepherd." There is a contrast in the passage (see the fuller passage) from a bad shepherd, one who is just hired to do the job, with the one who cares sincerely for his sheep and is willing to give, even his own life for their good. This latter shepherd is Jesus.

We are in the time near Easter now, and that is the Christian celebration of Jesus giving His life for the forgiveness of sin and eternal life of those who come to accept Him. (An aside, I do not believe in a limited atonement--I believe He died for all, but not everyone will choose to accept His offer of forgiveness and eternal life.)

Jesus laid down His life for His sheep. What they could not do for their own protection and best, Jesus did for them. He did not have His life taken; He willingly gave it up--chose God's way. Jesus, as God and God's Son, was in control throughout the passion event. So He "lay down His life"--gave it willingly for His own.

But the good shepherd also has an intimate relationship with His sheep. They are His beloved--he genuinely cares for us and we should care for Him, love Him back. The word, "know," implies a personal knowledge that is experienced, not just a knowing from afar nor with the head only. It is a personal, heart knowledge.

With my wife, the better I know her, the more I love her. I know so many more facets to the diamond that she is than I did when we married. And I am ever more in love with her due to that personal, experienced knowledge. It brings forth intimacy--closeness--love.

That is what Jesus is describing about Himself here--a personal, intimate, experienced knowledge of His own, and the personal, intimate, experienced knowledge that they gain of Him as well. That is only done by the good shepherd who loves His sheep and is willing, even to die, for their best. And that is Jesus essence--love and sacrifice as mentioned in these verses.

What does that say to us? You are valuable because God's Son died for YOUR good! You are loved and cherished by One who was willing to die for you. Ponder that thought for a while, and see all of its facets or implications.

How grateful we should be if we have experienced that love and mercy and forgiveness! How grateful if we have experienced that sacrifice for us! And therefore, what is logical and best is that we genuinely love Him back--the One who gave His all that we might have forgiveness and eternal life and the continuing love of God.

Jesus is the good shepherd, who gave His life for you, and He is the good shepherd who knows you intimately, and still loves you unreservedly. Will you love Him back and accept His love and sacrifice?

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