Friday, December 2, 2011


Years ago now, I went to a Christian missions conference. And one song they did was this: Grace to you, grace to God, God's great grace to you. As you walk through this life, through joy or strife, God's grace, God's grace to you." (I think a second verse was "peace to you ...")
This often was a greeting we find in Paul's letters. In fact, a very common greeting among believers in the early church was grace and peace.
In 1 Thessalonians 1, Paul greeted this church with those words.
Apparently Paul, his ministry partner, Silas (2nd missionary journey), and Timothy were the ones sending their greeting to this church in Thessalonica. Silas or Timothy may have been Paul's secretary (technically called an "amanuensis") for the writing of this letter.
Paul writes to the church or assembly of the Thessalonians. Why were they a church? Because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah) and His Father God. A church is a church only as they are those who have accepted faith in God through Jesus. A church is a church only as it follows the teachings of God and Jesus. Otherwise ... well ...
If you look back at Acts 17:1-9, you find the beginning of the church in Thessalonica by Paul. Paul goes to a Jewish synagogue, as was his pattern and teaches about Jesus being the Messiah that they were looking forward to. He was there 2-3 weeks. It says he was there for three Sabbath days, reasoning with them about Jesus being Messiah.
Some believed him and accepted the message about Jesus, including some Jews, God-fearing Greeks (Gentiles) and several prominent women.
But a problem arose and Paul and Silas had to leave this city. Jason, who had hosted Paul (he was a person of peace--see Luke 10 for this idea), was taken into custody but released. Paul and Silas moved on to Berea to continue their missionary work--evangelism and church planting.
But a church apparently formed from those who accepted the message of Jesus as Messiah. Was it Jason who helped it form? Was it the God-fearers and prominent women? Probably. (Remember, Paul was only there a maximum of three weeks, according to Acts 17.) So in time, Paul writes this letter to the church in Thessalonica that had formed and was meeting.
Now back in 1 Thessalonians 1, Paul writes a greeting which is also a blessing, "Grace and peace to you." Grace is the mercy and favor given by God. It is not deserved or earned, but granted as a gift from God. The Thessalonians had received it, but Paul is blesses them with this reminder they had it and a prayer that God would continue to give them His grace in days to come as well.
Peace is not the absence of conflict, but strength and a feeling of "all-rightness" even in the midst of conflict. It is based on one's relationship with Jesus the Messiah. If you have this relationship, you can have peace inside even when turmoil is occurring. Jesus had it, and we need it. Paul here reminds the Thessalonians that they possessed it but also blessed them by asking that more be given them. Thus Paul begins with this blessing, this prayer, this greeting--"Grace and peace to you." And all because of Jesus the Messiah and His Father God. It is a blessing and a gift of God granted through His Son, Jesus.
So today, I greet you and bless you by asking for grace and peace to be yours today, as you go through whatever you will go through. May you feel the favor of God and the overwhelming peace that only God can give as your day progresses. And as you read this, I hope you will also give this as a prayer for me too--that I will experience and feel these as my day progresses.
Bless someone today by asking for grace and peace for them, even if you do it silently. Or say it to them, as a blessing and a reminder. Maybe you need to write someone or some former church, like Paul did here, to greet them with this wonderful blessing.
Grace and peace, my friend! All because of Jesus the Messiah and God His Father.

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