Friday, June 10, 2011


Silly newlyweds! At least that's what I thought when I first heard them say it. In fact, I believe they may have said it when they were engaged. "I love you most; I win!" Was it a statement for "one-upmanship'--to gain the advantage over the other? Well, probably in some silly way.
But then I got to thinking about how this applies to marriage or relationships. What if each person in a love relationship attempted to love the other most--not in a competition--but in a way of expressing genuine love for the person, "with no strings attached." Sounds like Jesus' way of loving--sacrificing, giving, giving His very life for people. That is real agape' (Greek) love. (Want to know more about this, see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in the Bible, and see if that is your love for others).
What if, each person tried to love others and love others more than they loved you? Radical? Yes. Dangerous? Yes. We do have to be careful that we are not abused and used by others.
But on the other hand, how would love relationships be different if EACH person in the relationship would do this? Not one--but both! Radical? Yes. God's plan? Yes. Choosing to love. Choosing to do the best thing for the one loved. Choosing to sacrifice for the other.
Better marriages? Of course. Better love relationships? Yes. Better world? Without saying.
By the way, those silly newlyweds have now been married 5 years. And they seem more in love with one another than when they married. They still say it. But I think they also attempt to do it. And they look to the Lord who knows more about sacrificial love than any of us, to lead them and lead their relationship. And as they get closer to Him, they get closer to one another.
"I love you most; I win." If each of us would "love you most," we would both win. And our world would too! Try it--try to outgive one another in genuine, sacrificial loving actions and words. And see if you win too!

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