Friday, January 7, 2011


Ever get the "why me's"? It often happens when hard things in life happen. Why is my car broken and I am short of money? Why am I or a family member sick? What did I do to deserve this? Sounds, number one, like I'm better than everyone else in the worldand therefore should never have problems, and number two, like God is just out there to punish me. Is that correct theology?
But we do need the "why me's," at times. Why am I so blessed? Why did I have the privileges I have like living in the country I do, with the family I am blessed with, with all the opportunities I've had. Why am I one able to understand the message of the Bible, that God loves me and wants ME to be in relationship with Him? Why am I given so much while others in the world do not even have the next meal or any income or any family or any freedom to vote and live without fear?
God told the Israelites, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." And that applies to everyone on this earth. He displays it through the beauty of the creation and then especially demonstrated it through sending His Son to earth to take our wrong doing away. (John 3:16)
When you are tempted to say to God, "Why me?" add to that by saying, "Why am I so privileged to have what I have, to have experienced what I have?" Maybe that will help you to see (and help me to see) that the privileges and blessings of this life far outweigh the problems. And maybe that will cause us to be more thankful to God for what we have instead of more envious of what others have and more discontent with what God gives.
He loves you; what could be better?

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