It's very easy when things are going well. But what happens when the hard times come. When the doctor says, "Cancer." When he says, "I can't do anything else for you." When they use the words "disability" and "you can't be the caregiver anymore because your health is shot."
It's hard when people you think love you say, "The reason you got this is because you were disobeying God," and you know that you weren't. (Sounds a lot like Job's friends). When all you have done is to serve and serve and serve, and love and love and love, and others in your life have mistreated you and continue to. Very hard to trust in God. Many have given up the faith and the quest, and given in to lesser things. And yet I've seen faith displayed. It is a challenge for me, one whose life has been easy compared to others--one who has had lots of the things of this earth, one who has taught others about it but not had the challenges to live it that others have. One who has had a loving, supportive family and friends most all of life.
It's hard when people who loved you say they don't love you anymore, or they don't show that love like they once did. It's hard when ... (you fill in the blank).
But there is One whose love is worth counting on--One who never fails--One who is trustworthy when no one else is. God--and shown forth through His Son, Jesus--trust in Him. He alone can be trusted. Everyone else will fail us. Everyone else has faults. Everyone else may misunderstand or judge or give up on us.
Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). Lean not--do not depend on your own talents, gifts, personality, wisdom, schemes, political leanings or other people.
In all your ways--even when people mistreat you--abuse you--misunderstand you--do totally stupid things toward you--acknowledge (know, love, serve, give Him His rightful place) Him.
And He will make your paths straight--He will direct your paths in the right direction--He will guide you in the ways of righteousness for His name's sake. Follow the Leader, not the followers and the ones heading down the wrong path (there are many, many).
In John 6, Jesus asked, "Will you too abandon Me?" of his disciples/apostles. And one said, "Where else is there to go? You (alone) have the words of eternal life."
You alone indeed! Trust Him.
Pray for me today because I struggle with friends with cancer and mistreatment and injustice, but I need to "Trust in the LORD." Maybe you do too. I need to have faith for others who depend on me having faith for them and with them.
I am learning from those who believe more than I do, because they are living this out in the midst of all these things. My faith is small--Lord increase my trust and faith!