What kind of a relationship will last? What should be expected in marriage? I believe Ephesians 5:22-33 is instructive. Jesus compared marriage to the relationship of Christ and His Church--His bride.
What is essential for a relationship to last--or a marriage to last? Three things from this passage come to my mind as I read it.
1) Commitment--you must really be committed to the other person--not just the idea of relationship. You must consider that this is THE person for you, and quit looking elsewhere or thinking there is an out. A promise of love and devotion should be a promise--not just words said until another better comes along. You have to be committed to the other person--with all your heart, soul, and body.
2) Sacrifice--Uh oh! A bad word! Almost as bad as commitment. Are you willing to give up your needs--your wants--your desires for the other person? Are you willing to love them with no strings attached. Christ gave up His very earthly life for His beloved--the church. Are you willing to sacrifice for the person you love. If not, you need to grow here, or the relationship WILL NOT WORK. A relationship consists of two people--not just one (me), always getting what I want--what I think I need. Love goes two ways--not just one. One way love is called selfishness, and that is the opposite of sacrifice.
3) Growth--you must be committed to doing what you can to aid the growth of the one you love. Here again, the words, "commitment" and "sacrifice" come in. Are you willing to do whatever you can so the person you love can grow and mature as a person? As a believer in Christ? As an emotional being and physical being and spiritual being? Do you help them grow as an intellectual being? But that also takes growth in yourself. YOU have to be willing to learn from them--grow in mind, body, soul, and spirit too.
Ultimately, the basic thing that will allow a relationship to "work" will be a healthy, growing commitment to Jesus, to God, to living life His way. As you each get closer to Him, you will draw closer to one another. And you will have some spiritual purpose for your relationship that will help you to bond with one another--help you to grow with one another. It will give you something of meaning and value that will even be more important than your relationship, your love, your marriage. And it will last even when the relationship or marriage is gone.
Is this the kind of relationship you have? Is this the kind of relationship you seek? If not, pray and seek God's guidance. Looking anywhere else is foolishness. Read Ephesians 5:22-33 and see what it says to you.
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