Monday, August 2, 2010

Life is experiences. I have noticed that when I don't have much to say to my wife or to others, it is because I don't have new experiences to share. When my mother was alive, she would say at times, "I don't really get out so I don't really have much interesting happening to talk about now."

One reason for the success of Henry Blackaby's, Experiencing God, was probably the fact that we want to not just hear about God, but actually to "experience" Him for ourselves. That seems to be much of our culture's need today--to experience life, not just to hear about it.

One neat thing is that we can experience God even when we can't gain a new experience in life by a trip or work or a new peak experience. God can always be experienced everywhere we are.

I went to a church recently which had a coffee shop as atmosphere in part of their building. They were trying to create the "coffeehouse" atmosphere, where people love to "hang out" and "chill" with their friends. They wanted to make their church a place for experiences of fellowship and closeness.

Experiences--that seems to be why we travel (vacation), read, talk to others, seek outside ourselves--a way of growing, learning, thinking.

When we seek nothing new, we're ready to die. At that point there is no meaning left for us in life--only in death, and for the believer in Christ, only in heaven and life beyond the grave.

Life is experiences--I want more here, and later, there.

What do you think? Is life a series of experiences?

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