Thursday, July 8, 2010

spiritual gifts

What if the church really operated from spiritual gifts? Those that do today are growing. When one is not only gifted (as every Christian is) but also using his/her gifts out of the passion that God has given them, what great things can be accomplished.

There are nights when I've used my gift of teaching or facilitating a small group, and I come home pumped. God makes it a joy to use what He has put into us for His glory and to build up the body of Christ.

Why do we settle for less? So often we don't want to serve. So often we don't know what our spiritual gift is. So often our churches have not taught about spiritual gifts because we have seen abuses, like in the Corinthian letter, and overcorrected by being in control rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to be in control. So out of our fear, we have set up nominating committees to fill slots rather than God's people coming to the forefront to use their gifts for God. When we fill slots instead of having people utilizing their spiritual gifts, we get committees and believers that are not effective nor enjoying the Christian life and service like they could and should. Hence we fight more and cause the kingdom of Christ to be hurt more than helped.

Where are believers who serve God out of not duty but out of love for Christ and God? When we see that, what a difference is made in the Kingdom of God!

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