Saturday, October 19, 2013


Focus is often lacking among Christians as it is among Americans.  We have so many projects going at once--"too many irons in the fire," the old saying goes.  We try to get everything out of life we can--and more done all the time--more, more, more.  Is there anything wrong with that?  Could be.

I wish every believer could read A Testament of Devotion, a small devotional book by Quaker, Thomas Kelly.  I especially wish everyone could read the short essay within the book titled, "The Simplification of Life."  It discusses being controlled, not by the pulls of life, not by our own thoughts, desires, needs, urgencies, but by the Divine Center.  (Quakers use many terms for God unfamiliar to other Christians.)  But, as he says, we so often do not seek out the "Divine Center" to focus on what is important and what is OUR service, our ministry, our way of loving Him and loving others.  Instead, we just shoot out shotgun at everything in our path, rather than the focus of the rifle at the real target each of us should be striving toward.

Kelly says, where there is time made to "focus" on God and His purpose, then we find ourselves being less pulled in too many directions and more focused on what is important.  But what is important should be for the Christian "what is important to God," not just to you and me.  And truthfully, I don't want to live that way--that means "denying self, taking up my cross, and following Jesus" (how's that for a good biblical idea--Lk 9:23).  But my self doesn't want crucifying--just let me live my life the way I want to, as I seek to worship and follow Christ "MY" way.

Kelly says, we know there are some who slip into the Divine Center and live their live--even busy lives--less harried, less split, less feverishly--and they find joy, peace, rest in the midst of it all.  They seem to find fulfillment when many of us are just involved going from activity to activity, and just feeling more tired rather than joyful in doing good.  What is the difference?  Gaining focus from God as to His purpose for me.

I have also been reading a book titled, Plan B, by Pete Wilson.  It discusses what one does when my Plan A is not God's plan, but God brings to us Plan B.  What happens when what I want to do conflicts with what God brings into my life--like illness or failure or (you add the circumstance).  How do you and I, as believers, deal with God's Plan B?

Again it is a matter of focus.  Wilson says we so often focus on the what, when and where of knowing God's will (and God's plan) "that we neglect the most important question, which is why."  (Wilson, p. 77)  Why are we doing what we are doing?  Why am I living my life for Christ?  Why am I here?

As Wilson discusses the Apostle Paul, he says this, "He knows why he's doing what he's doing.  He knows his purpose, his mission--to bring glory to God with his life." (Wilson, p. 77)

When one knows his purpose, his mission, then it is easier to live that out through daily interactions with people, daily events, and to leave off those that are not part of that purpose.  Simplicity--focus--saying "yes" to some, and "no" to others.  But you must know the "why," the purpose, your purpose.

And where do we learn that purpose, and continue to refocus on that purpose?  By spending time with the "Divine Center"--God Himself.  Jesus did it when there was so much healing, preaching and teaching to do, but he went off by himself to pray, and then he told his disciples, "we must move on to other cities, because that is why I came."  There was great success where He was, but He got alone with God to refocus on His purpose--"WHY" He was here.  If Jesus needed that, do you?

What are you involved in that you should probably let someone else do or that you just need to drop?  (This applies to churches as well--see a book titled, Simple Church.)  The reason this happens though is for focus, and the focus comes when we ask God "why" and He reveals to us what is most important to us living out the "why."

Focus, focus, focus.  Do you need to get alone with God, to consistently ask God, "why"?  Why am I doing what I am doing?  Is it really to "glorify God with my life" or is it for some other reason?

Wouldn't it be great to be "busy doing what you were created to do and be" rather than just pulled in every direction.  Seek out the Divine Center, consistently, and see the focus of life change.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


The Bible is a book about God and His purposes and His ways.  There are people mentioned, of course, but the focus is God.

As I read through Joshua now, I see this focus clearly.  The Israelites are receiving what God promised Abraham in God's covenant with them.  They were to receive three things--relationship with God, many descendants, and a great land.  They had received all by this time in the Bible except the promised land, and we see this happening in the book of Joshua.

Chapter 6 is the initial conquest, which is the city of Jericho.  God gives them the plan, and it is not like any war plan any military leader would come up with.  Israel was to march around the city for 7 days, each of the first six days, one time, while blowing a trumpet (shophar).  Then they would go back to their camp.  However, on the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times, and then when the signal was given, shout.  The walls then were to fall down and they were to go into the city and fight.

And the plan worked. On the seventh day, they went into the city and wiped out everyone in the city, including the animals.  This was a ban the God had put on the city.  Israel was to take no spoils but to destroy everyone/thing, except for metals and what would not burn.  These were then to be given to the treasury of the Lord.

Rahab, the woman who had saved the spies earlier in Joshua, was spared along with her family that had gathered in her house during the siege.  This was promised to her that they would be spared, as she had asked.

What do we find in Joshua 6?  Remember first that in the last of chapter 5, the "commander of the army of the Lord" had met with Joshua.  Did he give instructions then to Joshua?  Did he appear to lead Joshua, implying that this place was "holy ground," that is, dedicated to God (thus the ban on the people and things found there)?

One thing we note--for the walls to fall down like this (trumpet and shout), it had to be a work of God.  This was not, and still is not, military planning.  It was not the superior forces of Israel for this to happen, and it is not just coincidence that it happened when it did (even if an earthquake occurred or some other physical phenomena).  The timing was God's--the work was God's--it was God's doing, not Israel's doing.  God gave the plan in advance--and then He followed through on His plan--proving His Word would occur. 

The ban--the killing of everyone--a tough situation--not something telling Israel that this would be a principle for all time or every battle, though it did occur in Canaan.  They were to wipe out the people and things that related to worship of other gods there.  Part of that was the sin of the Canaanites (see references in your reference or study Bible).  Part of that was protection for Israel as they moved in, that they would not go after false gods.  (However, they didn't follow God's instructions, and they dealt with going after false gods all the time they were in the Promised Land.)

This ban was for a certain time and place--not a principle for all time--not an ethnic cleansing, since some were spared (not only Rahab's family, but the Gibeonites later in Joshua).  God has the power, as God to create, to destroy, as He is creator but also judge.  And only God sees perfectly--no person ever does.  And as Sovereign, He is God over all.

Gold, silver and other things were given to the treasury to prevent greed on the part of the people and also to help with building a Temple later on as well.

So this was a work of God.  God's work is to be done God's way.  Even when it sounds totally illogical (Are you smarter than God?) or not the way you or any person would do it.  But in this way, God got the credit for it.

However, word got around at the end about Israel, their God, and Joshua. "So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land." (NIV)  It proved to Israel that God was with Joshua as God had been with Moses, thus making his leadership more trustworthy in their eyes.  But the word also got around the Promised Land about the invasion of Israel, and the fear grew among the people who lived there.  (Remember what Rahab had said earlier when the spies came, that people were in fear of this nation.)

What situation are you facing that you have trouble believing God can do it?  Or maybe God is saying something about the situation, but to you, it doesn't make sense.  Who you going to trust--God or yourself?  Is God getting the glory in your life for things that are happening or are you getting the glory?  What walls in your own life need to come down, so you can trust God more fully?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Whose side are you on?  Who is on your side?  Whether an argument, a team sport, or problems in relationships, often we find a side to be for or against.

In Joshua 5, Joshua and the Israelites are getting prepared to go into the Promised Land, the final aspect of the Covenant that God made with Abraham--the aspect that had not yet been fulfilled.

As they did so, they got spiritually prepared--and remember this is a new generation--second generation out of Egypt.  So first of all, the act of circumcision for this new generation.  It represented to the Jew the acceptance of God's Covenant with them.  So this new generation had to accept it for themselves--they could not live on their parent's acceptance of the Covenant with God.

A second aspect we find here is that they observed the Passover.  It was remembering what God had done, in bringing them out of slavery into freedom.  It was a way of showing solidarity with their history, their past, and past generations.  They were to observe this each year, but had not for several, so this action on their part showed their obedience to God once again.

Not only had they accepted God's covenant, they also were showing their willingness to live in obedience to Him and His commands.  And these were part of the covenant God made with them.  These are important things for them, as they prepare to go into the Promised Land to receive what God had promised.  Spiritual preparation is always important--in fact, the most important for believers.

But then a curious passage (Josh. 5:13-15).  Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, God's chosen man, goes near Jericho.  As he does so, a man with a drawn sword appears before him.  Joshua asks the man, "Are you for us or for our enemies?"  In other words, whose side are you on.  (Word had gotten around the land of Canaan that the Israelites were right near Canaan and things they had done already to other enemies--so fear was there among the people living in Canaan). 

The man's response, "Neither."  I am for neither you nor your enemies.  And he goes on to say, "As commander of the LORD's army I have now come."  Now wait a minute!  Wasn't the Lord behind Joshua and the Israelites taking over this land?  Wasn't He the one giving them this Promised Land?

Was this an angel of the LORD?  Was it the LORD Himself?  Joshua immediately bows down before the man in reverence and asks, "What message do you have for me?"  He recognizes this is either God or one representing the LORD.  So he asks a good question, "Why are you here?  What is the message you are to deliver to me?  (Angels or God doesn't just appear, it seems for no reason.)

The man before Joshua tells him to take off his sandals, because he is only holy ground.  You remember this was also said to Moses at the burning bush.  So it was a confirmation to Joshua that indeed "God was with him in the same way He'd been with Moses."  It should build up the faith--the strength and courage (chapter 1)--of Joshua on the eve of beginning the battles to capture the land.

But what other messages were probably here?  One, God is not on our side; He wants us to be on His side.  Now God loves everyone; sinners as well as believers.  He loves the sinner and hates the sin.

Is our side always right?  Of course not.  But is God's side/mind/purpose always right?  Of course.  So we need to come to God and listen to Him, not just ask God to "bless" our plans, our works for Him, our purposes.  We should get our marching orders from Him, not He from us.  A good reminder for Joshua and Israel as they enter the Promised Land.

That also says things should be done "God's way," not necessarily the way we think.  God would give His people specific instructions as they captured the land.  When they followed Him, they achieved success.  When they didn't listen or disobeyed, they found failure.  The battles were dependent on God and listening to His instructions/plans.

God doesn't need to know my plans and join me (whose side are you on), I need to know His plans  and join Him.

Be aware also that when God speaks, that is "holy ground."  When God chooses to speak to us, that is not the norm--the everyday--the common.  Therefore, that is holy ground--a message to be heard and heeded, not taken lightly.

The Promised Land was indeed holy ground, but it was only holy ground because of God, His blessing, His covenant, His choosing, His purpose.  Entering that land needed to be done in God's way and behind His leading, not just what they thought.

Are not our lives also "holy ground" as God communicates to us and wants us to "be on His side, not just He be on our side"?  I need to hear from God more than He needs to hear from me.  And then, I need to obey.

How might this apply to your life right now?  Where do you see yourself in this story about Joshua?

Friday, October 11, 2013


"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants after" ... the healing of my disease.  "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants after" ... the wisdom to grow my church.  "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants after" ... a new ... and a solution to my problem.

Let's be honest.  When do we really seek God, for God's sake?  To spend time with Him--to cultivate a relationship with Him--to just "be" in His Presence?

I am rereading Thomas Kelly's, A Testament of Devotion, a very tiny (less than 100 pages) but challenging book written by a 20th century Quaker.  There is lots of talk of the Inner Light, and other different terms for God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus being within our hearts.

As Kelly writes, I realize how I'm missing something--actually how I'm missing SomeOne.  I seek to pray to "receive things" rather than praying to "meet with the LORD," the Lover of My Soul.

I believe this is probably the case with many, many believers, including religious leaders, pastors (I are one), and people seeking to disciple others (surely not them).

Have you ever felt desperate for God, for His Presence--rather than what He could do in your circumstances?

Now, when we do this, we are going to the right place--to the LORD, but we're missing something.  I just got out of the hospital, being there some 7+ weeks.  The first four weeks, my wife stayed there all the time, day and night.  When she needed to get back to work, and was now 100 miles from me, what did I miss the most?  I did not miss the "things" she did for me--nurses, doctors, tech people basically could do those things--in fact I found that I could do some of those things for myself.

What I missed the most was my wife's presence--the ability to see her, to talk personally with her, to just be together and feel the assurance and love of her being there.  It just wasn't the same on the phone or texting, I have to admit.

But am I that way with God, the Inner Light, the Divine Presence?  Well, no.  I seek to meet with Him when I need something--a solution to my loneliness or my need for healing or more money for this bill or that want.  I don't seek His Presence.

But isn't that what the Psalmist, probably David, was seeking in Psalm 42:1-2?  He was wanting to spend time with God--the companionship, the assurance of Presence, the Person not the thing He could provide.  I think so.

Does God give answers to prayer?  Well, of course He does.  Does He give wisdom and solutions and ideas of how to grow our church or have better family life or healing for our diseases?  Of course.

But wouldn't it be refreshing if you and I just sought out God without an agenda of "getting something"  and sought just to be in His Presence, basking in the friendship, the companionship, the love He shows just by being with us, sinful creatures forgiven and made clean so we can BE with Him, a Holy, fully Righteous God?

My challenge in days to come is to seek the Lord for the Lord's sake--rather than just to come out of  need to find an answer or solution.

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for YOU, O God.  When can I come and meet with YOU?"

Friday, October 4, 2013


An old friend reunited me with an old friend who reunited me with an old friend.  Yesterday, I had a visit with a friend I went to high school with.  He brought a book by Thomas Kelly, titled, A Testimony of Devotion, in which reading brought me a very, very familiar Scripture verse.  (Do you see the three old friends here?)

By the way, if you have never read the small devotional book by Thomas Kelly that I mentioned (Testament), pick up or borrow a copy and do not read it.  Slow down and savor it--take it slowly, ponder it, meditate on what is within as God reveals Himself to you through this Quaker writer of the 20th century.

The third old friend, the Scripture verse, 2 Corinthians 5:17, is what I blog about today.  I've read it, quoted it, thought about it (I guess not enough--though there is always more "meat" from Scripture, as we meditate further upon it.), and shared it with others.  But today, God brought new insights.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature."  Another version says "new creation."

Creation--where God created "out of nothing."  Where God made things He'd not made before.  Where God uniquely made each thing upon this earth, including human beings--woman and man. 

Creation--where God brought order out of chaos--where He brought form out of nothingness.

2 Corinthians 5:17  We often think of this as a transformation of the person who accepts Christ as Saviour--but does that go far enough?  Think of the descriptions of creation and even creature.  Something unique to itself--something totally new--something unlike what it was like before.

When a person comes to Christ as Saviour, there is a total change, not a reforming of what was.  There is a creation out of nothing--a totally different creature unlike the one before--a bringing order out of the chaos of one's life.

I often just seek change without changing the inner core.  God seeks the total change--total creation of a totally different creature from the one before.  That is a much bigger change than most of us want or are willing to seek.

Are you a totally different "creature" than you were before accepting Jesus?  Are you totally refocused from self to Christ?  That's what God did in "salvation" and coming to be "in Christ."  Are you allowing Him to continue to do that process of "total creation" in you?

Don't get overly familiar with "old friends"--so overly familiar that you are not willing to be changed by new insights they may want to bring you--or that God may want to bring you.

"If anyone is in Christ, he/she is a totally new creature--totally new creation of God."

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What is the great thing God has provided for you?  And as you answer, I am going to say, "no, no, and no."

Some will talk about the physical--the family, the house, the money, etc.  But is that really the greatest provision you have received from God?

Some will get really spiritual and say, "salvation, heaven, being part of God's church?  But are those really the greatest things God has provided for you?

Think about Abraham's call in Genesis12, 15, etc.  Think about chapter 22.  Was it the ram--saving his promised covenant son--a test overcome?  No.

Think of anyone in the hall of fame of faith in Hebrews 11.

Think of the prophets, the Apostles, Paul.

What was the greatest provision of God for all of them, and for you if you are a believer in Christ?  It was GOD HIMSELF.  He gave you Himself.

Jehovah Jireh--"The LORD my provider."

The greatest provision was, is, and will continue to be--Himself.

He pursued a relationship with you--you didn't pursue Him.  He offered you a relationship, a friendship, a covenant, an offer to communicate with Him through Jesus.  And He also provided Himself to dwell within the believer in the Holy Spirit--God living inside of you.

So when you thank God for His provisions, certainly thank Him for His physical and emotional blessings.  For heaven, salvation, life eternal, church.

But never forget to thank Him for the greatest Provision--that of Himself.  Amazing that a Holy God, a Perfect God, a God who is love, an All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Everything God would want a relationship--a friendship--a covenant, with you or me!

God's greatest Provision is Himself.  Bask in that today.