Monday, September 26, 2011


So often when bad circumstances come, our prayer or our cry is "Help--get me out of this!" But what would be a better response? (Now, I am not a sadist, ok?)
Ephesians 6:19-20--Paul writes, "Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I may fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." (NIV)
Paul is writing while imprisoned. Paul is not free to come and go as he wishes. Yet he is not asking for prayer for escape here nor for release. He asks for pray to seize the moment--to make the most of this opportunity that may only come in this way. Similar to what he talks of in Philippians 1, where he told of opportunities and fruit that came because of his imprisonment.
"God, where are you?" So often we wonder this and we even ask this when in turmoil or hardship. But what was the attititude of Paul? "God, use this circumstance for your glory and as an opportunity that some will come to know and worship You."
When I am in turmoil, I can curse God. Or I can complain to God. Or I can pour out my bitterness about what I am going through. But you and I, those who are believers in Christ, at least have another choice. We can pray for God to use this suffering and pain in the lives of others around us, especially those who do not yet know the gospel as we know the gospel.
When I curse and complain and whine, I am just like others in the world. I am no different from everyone else. The world doesn't need that model--they already have enough of those. They need models of faith--models of conquerors through Jesus--models of how to live above circumstances BECAUSE of a genuine worship and belief in God. That is where we are "peculiar" people--using the words of King James Old Testament. I like to use the word "weird." Weird people because despite circumstances, we continue to have faith--to believe--to trust--to look up to God and look to Him to help us be witnesses of His goodness, His grace, His mercy, His love.
The gospel is a mystery! Why would a Holy God love a little, sinful person like me? Why would the Son of God come to earth to model a life of faith in God for people who so often turn away from God's ways of living life? Why would Jesus, a perfect person, be willing to die for my wrongdoing and your wrongdoing when He never did any wrongdoing? That is a mystery worth investigating! If you are interested in philosophy, here is a wonderful philosophy worth checking out and "loving the chase--loving the wisdom" of learning more.
"Fearlessly make it known--declare it fearlessly as I should." Paul's request for prayer is that he would not get sidetracked from what he should do while the circumstances are not good. (By the way, we often get sidetracked when the circumstances are good also--riches, wealth, houses and lands often lead us to trust in ourselves and our stuff rather than relying on God. We think, we've got all we need, so we forget who was the Provider of it all.)
Get me out of this, or help me make the most of this opportunity to demonstrate God's love, God's provision and God's faithfulness? Which is the BEST choice for the follower of Jesus?
Does it take prison for us to realize this? Does it take bad health or hardships at work or loss of a job? But what could be our prayer or could we have others pray for us as we go through normal trials of life that everyone experiences at one time or another? Could it be that we would be bold declarers of the mystery that we understand about Jesus?
How could God use your circumstances today to fearlessly make known Him and His gospel?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Go so they will come. That would be the need now. But sometimes, they will come now, and that is exciting when they come--and come for the right reasons.
I began reading Isaiah the other day, and when I came to chapter 2, verses 1-5, I had to pause and reflect. I hope you will do the same.
"In the last days"--does this refer to now or the future reign and rule of God--a time when time here is no more? Would be great if these things would characterize now!
God's mountain--God's temple raised above all others--chief--most important. Notice in the NIV, "all nations will stream to it." (v. 2)
Quite a contrast here--God's temple on His mountain raised to the highest, and yet the nations STREAM to it. Normally streams stream down, not up. Obviously the idea of many moving toward God--but taken literally, and even truthfully, this would be a work of God. Only God can make a stream run up--and only God can cause people to come to Him and worship Him for the right reasons.
All nations--God is all about people from every nation worshiping Him--listening to Him--obeying Him. In Genesis 12, God told Abram that through him and his family all the nations would be blessed. The Great Commission says to make disciples of "all nations." None is to be left out.
But how will the nations hear "without a preacher"--and preacher doesn't just mean those ordained to the gospel ministry by a church. Every believer should be a preacher. (I believe the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20, is for everyone, not just the apostles and not just for those the church calls to preach/teach/lead).
The nations are all around us. Look at the names of the doctors in your community. Look at the names of those who run the motels (or own them). In fact, we have almost always been a nation of nations since the founding fathers came here from another nation. So should we not share with those from other nations? That is us! When they hear--when they see this in us--when they feel our Christian love and our walk matching our talk, some will come to worship the same Lord we do. In fact, many already do.
Notice here why the many peoples will come to the mountain/temple of the Lord. (v. 3) "He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths." They go to be taught by God. But they go not just to be taught. They go to learn in order to DO. Teaching/learning is not enough by itself. We should learn about God and learn His ways in order to obey them, perform them, live them. (Sounds a bit like the last of the Great Commission--"teaching them to obey all that I commanded you."
Today, so many go for the wrong reasons. They go to hear the good preaching or teaching. They go to enjoy the good music and praise. (Actually God should hear our praise.) They go to see friends, to make contacts, to get an emotional high. Some of these could be ok, but a major reason to go is in order to learn to do--to live for Him--to be changed by God's teaching to be more like Him and live His ways HERE IN THIS WORLD.
I notice also in v. 4 that God will cause the fighting one day to cease. He will cause people to make implements of war into implements to grow crops and to harvest. But God also wants this now, as He wants believers to get on His agenda, and quit the fighting and bickering about things that don't really matter. He wants us to quit quarreling over petty things and to do so to get on with His agenda, and be models and examples for others of what it looks like to have Him as our Lord, Master, Ruler. Some believers today, even in churches, need to "beat their swords into plowshares" and to get with God's purpose of making disciples and teaching people to obey God rather than their agendas which do not honor God.
This mountain/temple/church is not My church. It is God's! Therefore, the purpose and agenda should be all about Him and not about me (and you).
As more people of the world come to seek God, then "nation will not rise against nation nor train for war." Instead they will learn from God and obey what He is teaching. Part of that message is to be united and get along, to forgive and cooperate.
And v. 5 says to "walk in the light of the LORD." God is a god of light--of goodness--of righteousness--of love, peace, joy, mercy. As we learn about (and from) Him and obey Him, we become like Him also. We become people who live His light--His goodness, righteousness, love, peace, joy, mercy toward others. We are called to live our lives to honor Him--be those who reflect Him to others. That would be more than just on Sundays--it would be 24/7.
When we take up God's agenda, and live it out, we are those who draw others to Him--help others see Him--help others want Him. We reflect the one we are most like.
So what can you and I do to prepare for this time, if indeed it is a time after a return of the Lord? (Some believe, 2nd coming of Christ) One thing I notice is that they WANTED TO GO to Him for the right reasons. We need to let His agenda, His purposes, Him be what we want, and then obey. We also need to WANT to go--WANT to learn--WANT to be changed and obey.
Prepare the nations for this time. They are all around you, even now. Reread this passage in light of Genesis 12:1-3 and Matthew 28:18-20, and see how God may want YOU to live it out.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Heard this statement long ago and I really don't like it! "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." The idea is that those who are able to perform in a job or a vocation, do that. Salesman sell and businessmen do a business. But those who are not able to sell or run their business instead go into teaching others to do these things. It says that the successful people perform in the field of study; others who can not perform have to teach others. I don't like that, and I don't believe that. Maybe one reason is that I am gifted and skilled in teaching. And it is a spiritual gift given to some to teach. (See Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 and 14, and Ephesians 4:11-13)
But as I get older, I realize that there is some truth in this also. Those who have learned to do in ministry and the church teach others or should teach others to do ministry. But that is not just something that should wait til the minister gets older and is unable to "do" ministry anymore. Ephesians 4:11-13 says that the gifts to the church, the "apostles, prophets, evangelists and the pastors/teachers" are given to the church to "equip the saints (everyday believers) for the work of ministry" so that the "body of Christ will be build up."
Too often, though, we have seen this as just preaching or leading a Bible study for others. Has this equipping occurred from this style we've depended on for so many years? Look at the state of the church in our country today, and tell me what you see. Do we see the church growing, reaching, making disciples, so that the "gates of hell shall not prevail against it"? Maybe there is a need to spend more time "making disciples" and "teaching them to observe (obey)" than has been done just in two or three sermons per week.
But too often, too, I think we have seen teaching, whether the pastor doing the teaching or Sunday school teachers doing the teaching as "imparting knowledge" rather than helping people be "transformed by the renewing of their minds" (Romans 12:2) or seeing "life change" (a term thrown about today a lot). "Transformation" requires time, and energy, and as is said today, "life on life." It is, again, as is often said today, "doing life together." If focuses on the quality and time in relationships--time being together, time doing together, time challenging one another to live out the faith, live out the truth found in Scripture. It is found in being "missional" (another catch-phrase today), doing missions together--God's mission--"making disciples, baptizing, teaching to obey Christ's teaching."
I like the verses in 1 Thessalonians 2 (esp. 7 ff), where Paul talks about "doing life together." He says, "we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that were delighted to share with you NOT ONLY THE GOSPEL OF GOD, but OUR LIVES AS WELL, because you had become so dear to us." (NIV)
Discipling (another catch-phrase today)--not just imparting knowledge through preaching and teaching, but as the gospel is shared, sharing our LIVES as well. Being transparent about our struggles living the gospel, so that others can be open and honest about theirs. But then challenging one another to grow and mature and change. Being accountable to others who will pray for us, encourage us, live life among us, so that we will learn to "live out" the teachings of
It should be that in all of life, whether "pastors or teachers" or regular people in all walks of life, believers should seek to be equipped and to "equip others for the work of ministry." It seems that this is the way that the "gates of hell shall not prevail against" Christ's church.
How are you "doing life together" with others? And how are you "equipping others to do the work of ministry"? You shouldn't have to be old to do this or unable to "do" anymore, in order to teach and equip others. You should just be faithful, available, and teachable to God and by God. (2 Timothy 2:2)
"As you go, make disciples; as you go baptized; as you go teach them to obey Christ's teachings." (Matthew 28:19-20) Not just for the old but for every believer, every follower of Christ.
Those who can should do; but those who can do also should teach!
Where are you in this? "The gospel of God, but also your very life as well--shared."