Tuesday, February 1, 2011


English--who in the world thought it up? English as a ministry--no way! Well, yes.
For over 17 years now, I have been teaching English as a ministry (not professionally) to internationals who are here in America. They have been from Australia, from Asia, from the South Pacific, from South and Central America, from Europe and Africa. None I know from the Arctic nor Antartica yet (not even a Penguin). They have been students and immigrants and husbands and wives and PhD students and taxi drivers, etc.
I have traveled all over the world without punching a ticket and spending my money. (I did get to go teach in Kazakhstan once for 2 weeks at a church there). I've done that travel to many countries though through teaching English to internationals--from Nepal and Peru, from Indonesia and Thailand, from Nigeria and Sudan, from Iran and Saudi Arabia, from Viet Nam and Japan and China and Korea, and ... I am not sure how many countries. Maybe 50 countries or more through the years. (That may be a conservative estimate--not sure)
I tell my classes that I hope they have lots of fun and learn a little English.
And I've trained other Americans who were staying here or going overseas to teach English as a ministry too. Most have wanted to work among Hispanics or Chinese in restaurants or such in their communities here. But some have been going to do this work in England (with Africans who are transplanted there) or in China or Korea. Many I have trained have been doing short-term mission trips to other counties. God has blessed me and extended my ministry in this way--I am thankful to Him.
What has happened through this ministry? Many things I will never know this side of heaven, but what a wonderful thing it will be one day to hear from people I don't even know that this ministry may have touched. I hope that my ministry has helped missionaries around the world through my ministry of teaching English and my love and presence and friendship. I hope that some have grown closer to God or come to know God personally as a result of this ministry. I believe that all is true.
I will never travel to all the countries that my students have come from, but I have traveled there through their eyes and experiences of their country, through their pictures and things they have shared with me. Through their love and respect and culture that they have allowed me to see through themselves.
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) For God to continue to leave me here on this earth a while longer is to continue to make the impact He wants my little life to make. I plan, like Paul in Philippians 3, to "strive for the reason and purpose God made me and the things I can do on His behalf." (Sam's paraphrase) I plan to use what God gifted me with to touch the lives of others.
Maybe I have even made some impact with the Americans I've worked with and ministered to in collegiate ministry and pastoring churches and being a friend.
It is a very, very small world, and I love people from all over our world. God loves them so much more than I could ever do or imagine, and to think he could use a man from a little town to have somewhat of a worldwide ministry--Nah, couldn't happen. Well ... we never know, do we? God is a big God, and He has plans for us that go way beyond our thoughts or dreams. I'm not bragging about a big man today--but a big God who has a big purpose for every one of His creation.
English--yes, even teaching English. But most of all love and respect and honor--love for God first, and then loving others as we love ourselves. Maybe they will see the love of Jesus in me. That's my dream.
Find His purpose for you today--ask and you shall receive. And you will be blessed in a way you never thought possible.


A verse in an unlikely place seems to keep coming up as I read, hear from others, etc.--a verse from Habakkuk. (Habakkuk??) Yes.
"LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy." (Hab. 3:2)
A few years ago I ran across this verse. We had revival at our church, and God touched me that I should pray this for us--"renew them in our day, in our time make them known."
Now I keep hearing these again. Is there a message for me in this repetition or just a coincidence? What do you think? The sovereignty of God and His purposes lead me to believe that things do not just happen apart from either His doing or His allowing. So why am I hearing this message?
It is easy today to look at many of our churches in America and to think, "God is not working today," and to just hold our hands up and give up. Many just do this while waiting for Jesus to return or for their death--heaven to come.
But is that the right attitude. I know that God is working today in some new ways--creative ways--outside the box ways. He still is God and He still is at work (remember what Blackaby says in "Experiencing God"?). We see a house church movement--we see amazing things in China and other countries, and, yes, we see God is at work in America too. Some of us are needing to learn some new ways to reach and teach and disciple. (Isn't that fun and easy?) Some of us are just not fitting in anymore in this world or the new ways the church is moving. But God is "renewing His deeds in our time, making Himself known."
Maybe you and I need to get into more of the prayer for this. I am praying "Urge the LORD of the harvest to thrust out workers into His harvest fields." Maybe I need to add this verse from Habakkuk to my prayer. Does this have something to agree with our Lord's Prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"?
It is great to see God at work anytime, but especially in our time. I love hearing of God's work in China and Guatemala and Korea and other nations, but isn't it also super when we see it for ourselves--in our own time and our own place? When we see God at work around us (Blackaby again) and through us and in us? When we experience His revival and supernatural work in our church and town and region?
Church planting movements--this movement of God today reminds me that my vision is way too small. It is not just about "me and God" or "God and my church." It is about God doing a massive outpouring and us "standing in awe of Him and His deeds, in our time." Would you love to see that?
God is at work. Will we stand idly by as the apostles did when Jesus ascended to heaven, or will we let Him work through our prayers and our lives to see what He wants to do in "Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth" (Acts 1:8) through us.
Stand in awe of Him and His deeds more, and maybe your vision will grow to include more than just "me and mine" and the small things we want. Or just sit and wait til He returns. God told the apostles to go where He told them and wait. But sometimes, waiting means active waiting rather than passively holding on for heaven and Jesus' return.
Lord in our time--in our lives--in our region and nation and world, renew Your deeds, and let me stand in awe of You more!
What do you think?